The Person Below Me....

Re: The person below me....

Not that I know of :unsure: I do have a 3 day holiday weekend planned:beach:

the person below me likes the new look of the board :clapping:
Re: The person below me....

Yes, very :)

the person below me likes going to meetings
Re: The person below me....

a bit

the person below me is very ?
Re: The person below me....

not anymore..and can't remember when I last had but it was portable.

lol...the old laptops

Person below me thinks having chocolate cake for breakfast is a good idea?
Re: The person below me....

Yes, I'll get one with my sandwich at lunch :D

the person below me is intuitive
Re: The person below me....

yup, uncomfortable.

The person below me thrives in chaos?
Re: The person below me....

oops, something screwed up there... no I like to focus on one task at a time but to get more done I sometimes have to multitask.

the I want as little as possible lately but life seemed to be chaos for a while...things kept coming on top of each other till I was overwhelmed. I would like to slow all that down now though.

Someone who likes bluejays?
Re: The person below me....

yup :) when watching with someone else, not alone.

Yes I'm working on handling all the stress that comes my way. (thank you)

Someone who cares about others online despite wanting to keep distance.