The Person Below Me....

Re: The person below me....


The person below me gets nervous about things easily?
Re: The person below me....

Not anymore lol

The person below me misses someone?
Re: The person below me....

I miss alot of people, pets, etc.....not any particular someone:)

the person below me chats on other websites not just mjjc
Re: The person below me....

yes, indeed :)

the person below me also visits other mj forums except mjjc?
Re: The person below me....

yes, I am :D

the person below me is a night owl too? :D
Re: The person below me....

yes, I am :) boo!

the person below me is afraid of ghosts?
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Re: The person below me....

no because they dont exist :lol: but if they did i'd be scared as hell :yes:

tpbm went to the movies recently ?
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Re: The person below me....

They just started this year:huh: in the springtime, but I just take my claritin:D guess it's one of the perks of getting older:lol:

the person below me can breakdance
Re: The person below me....


the person below me knows how to play bocce ball
Re: The person below me....


the person below me has won raffle prizes before
Re: The person below me....


the person below me is looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend:beach:
Re: The person below me....

no. it won't be different than the rest of this week.

tpbm is missing someone?
Re: The person below me....

yes, I do :)

the person below me is waiting for someone to come back soon?
Re: The person below me....

I've never been to sauna up to now, but it seems I'll try it in October :)

the person below me lives in a Scandinavian country?
Re: The person below me....

No, I live in California :sun:

the person below me likes falling alseep on the beach