The Person Below Me....

Re: The person below me....


The person below me thinks and plans before doing things
Re: The person below me....

nope just on cruise control :beach:

the person below me likes talking on the phone
Re: The person below me....

Most of the time yes

The person below me try's to get a little downtime daily?
Re: The person below me....

Yes I do

the person below me owns a hammock
Re: The person below me....


the person below me likes Southern dishes
Re: The person below me....

:lol: far from it

the person below me likes to stare at people
Re: The person below me....

Yes :)

The person below me was around when the J5 first hit the scene?
Re: The person below me....

Do not say the OLD word! :lol: :p

Only Bob Marley really

The person below me has an MJ doll? haha
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Re: The person below me....


The person below me can be rude to people sometimes?
Re: The person below me....


The person below me prefers to be alone than have company?
Re: The person below me....


The person below me has had to have stitches before?
Re: The person below me....


The person below me has got their nose pierced? ( My daughter just made me ask that ) :lol:
Re: The person below me....

Yes it's fun

The person below me likes Starbucks
Re: The person below me....

yes, I do :)

the person below me is a proud person?