The Person Above Me

I'm not pointing. :eek: I'm wagging my finger in disapproval.

TPAM misinterpreted my smiley
Oh, sorry TPAM. :doh: Then wagging your finger in disapproval is rude. :rude:
Pffff, TPAM should know that being rude is my nature. :lol:
Yes, that's true. TPAM has had time to notice my disregard for being nice. :lol:
I like to let people know the way I am, so they don't have to bother to talk to me unless they're willing to endure it. :lol:

TPAM was willing, it would seem. :p
That makes sense. :D

TPAM is right... or would I stay here posting with you so long, altough I am super tired, if I wasn't willing?! :D