Great. I'm not sure if I'll start today or tomorrow. If TPAM is sure she will do it, then I'll start tomorrow like her, so we can show Julia afterwards. :rofl:
Yep TPAM, the same one..so Julia can pick the best
Great. :lol:
Does TPAm think she will pick? She's too nice and might not want to hurt our feelings. :lol:
Yes TPAM, we have to blackmail her with spoilers :hysterical:
Shhh she would probably not think of that. :rofl: Plus, I'll be the one to blackmail her. She has nothing over me. :rofl:
TPAM agrees?
You just have to try hard, then I won't have to.
That's a very bad idea.
That idea is even worse!!!
I think TPsAM have to search for another judge. :beee: