The Paris, Prince and Blanket Support Project

u gotta remember that u cannot bombard them w/ mj images. it's too soon. but i like the idea that fans r supporting them.

thats right, and i think what they would rather see most is actually images of the fans because i bet they already have tons of pics of their father from family photos, books, posters etc.

but images of us WITH his father, that's different.
Just some ideas:

Since I'm sure they're getting enough reminders of their dad from everyone they encounter, I don't think the focus should necessarily be on him. We should just let them know "We love you and care for you just like we love and care for your dad. We're all grieving together right now and we're here for you always. We hope things will begin to get a little easier. We wanted to do something for you and we thought maybe we could make you smile with some stuff we put together, with love, just for you." We could make this just something they'd enjoy and focus on making it interesting/funny/cool/neat, rather than purely sentimental/memoire-ish. I mean, we can still put sweet fan-made arts and crafts stuff and poems and pictures, but it doesn't have to be all about their dad.

It should be for them. We need to let them know we love them for who they are! I think a care-package would be cool, with special stuff for each one, tailored to them.

I also think we should keep in mind that Prince and Paris aren't little kids anymore. What kinds of (age-appropriate) things do 6th/7th graders like? They're still young, sweet and untainted, but they're intelligent and clever. We should include stuff that'll feed their little minds, lol - Neat facts, stuff they'll find fascinating, witty things that'll make them lol, cool games, etc. Yano?

Okay, those are just my thoughts. Just thought I'd throw them out there. =)
I think you're spot on with the idea PrincessMichaela. It should be for them :) You've got some great ideas there.
I'm in! I think it's a really sweet idea. Just something to let them know we care. :)
Just some ideas:

Since I'm sure they're getting enough reminders of their dad from everyone they encounter, I don't think the focus should necessarily be on him. We should just let them know "We love you and care for you just like we love and care for your dad. We're all grieving together right now and we're here for you always. We hope things will begin to get a little easier. We wanted to do something for you and we thought maybe we could make you smile with some stuff we put together, with love, just for you." We could make this just something they'd enjoy and focus on making it interesting/funny/cool/neat, rather than purely sentimental/memoire-ish. I mean, we can still put sweet fan-made arts and crafts stuff and poems and pictures, but it doesn't have to be all about their dad.

It should be for them. We need to let them know we love them for who they are!
I think a care-package would be cool, with special stuff for each one, tailored to them.

that's right! :yes:
Would it be feasible to simply send the package to the address where they are staying?