The Paris, Prince and Blanket Support Project


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
In light of the terrible events we have been experiencing and the various campaigns to preserve Michael's legacy, I wanted to do something different. Over the years we've organised various things (I was one of the "refugees" that came from another major MJ community that closed down) but I feel its the time for something a little different.

We've all heard various stories from the family about how the children are coping, and whether they're true or not I can't imagine the kids are doing well. I feel it is our duty to help protect them and show them our support like we did for their dad who we all love very much. I feel that by doing the following we can give our piece to them and ensure that they know how much we love their dad and that we are all together going to keep him alive. That we'll be there for him and for them no matter what.

So here's my idea. I have three main plans. The first is to collect together as many writings as we can, enough to potentially fill a scrapbook. These writings would consist of various poetry, songs and other writings about Mike, about how he's touched us, about how much we love him. It would also consist of letters and messages we can write in support of the kids and Mike's legacy, just to show them that it will all be ok and that they're not alone. This first part is material messages for the kids in various forms - poetry, letters, whatever you feel you want to say that shows your love for Michael.

The second part is just an idea - I was thinking that we can assemble a series of short recordings of fans in various settings, wherever you are, just short clips of fans saying something along the lines of "My name is _____, and I want to express my love for Michael Jackson. Prince, Paris, and Blanket - You Are Not Alone!" We can talk in more detail about this idea later.

The third part could be artwork and various photos of michael, us with memorabilia. Just artwork and photos that convey they're not alone, that we're grieving and we want them to know how much we love their dad and that we want them to know we would like to support them as best we can.

I am dead serious about this plan, but I can't do it all by myself. I need your support and help to organise this. I will collate everything and be the one to send the package itself out, but I need YOUR help, the help of the fans to get the materials, writings, pictures and pieces of the legacy together.

So I need a few things first of all:

1. Do you think this is a good project, and would you support my organising it? I need support first of all before I begin getting it all together. This will be a big thing to organise and you will all be part of it every step of the way, but I need to know whether the community thinks its viable first. Do you think this sort of project is appropriate?

2. The second thing I need to know is where can we send this package to guarantee that the kids will receive it? Does anybody have an address, or the contact details of management or staff who can be contacted regarding such details?

3. If I can get approval from the community, and we can make sure the package will be received, then I will begin the first process of looking for an appropriate book, collecting your writings together, and we can collectively decide upon what else should be included for the kids.

First update:
Well guys it looks like we're getting plenty of support, KEEP IT COMING! I think as long as we keep our focus we can keep moving ahead with this. We can begin brainstorming ideas as to how it can all come together before we go ahead and do so, and in the mean time we can move onto stage 2 as well. Lets see if we can get some leads for getting it to them. I suspect some of the other members may know, such as Shannon, and I have tried to contact them but no reply yet.

CURRENT PARTICIPANTS - I will add you as I get word (let me know if I forgot you):

1. Yazman
2. Gonetoosoon
3. kasume
4. Michael Jackson Moonwalk
5. grace93
6. MJsBollywoodGirl7
7. Carinemjj
8. littlesparrow
9. My HeartBreaker
10. parli123
11. jayde123
12. crazy4umjackson
13. Dimity
14. Nippleina
15. PrincessMichaela
16. dangerous88
17. Soso Deaf
18. court.ney.x
19. suzynyc
20. StaceyMJ
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I think it's a wonderful idea, I hope many people will respond.

And if there's is something similar already on the site (not sure) please post the link so we know :)

Great idea, let's respectfully show our love and support to these kids :)
Thanks for the support guys :) Keep it coming and we can get this thing on the road.
I'm up for this big time :)
How would it work in regards to logistics? Or would we scan our notes and photos over the net or something?
nice idea. but i dont think the kids would receive the gift unless it was personally handed to them... and i dont think that is possible either.
I'm up for this big time :)
How would it work in regards to logistics? Or would we scan our notes and photos over the net or something?

We can do this in a number of ways. They can be scanned and sent where I can have them collated in a suitably high quality format and placed into the scrapbook, which I think would be a good option.

nice idea. but i dont think the kids would receive the gift unless it was personally handed to them... and i dont think that is possible either.

Well we have to look at our options, if somebody has some contact details for management or reps for the family we can investigate further.
Its ok, you don't need to have that connection :) This is going to be for us to do our part for them :)
This is a lovely idea. However, Shannon just completed a very similar project on behalf of the fans here. She said that she would post pictures of the gifts she made for the children, as well as the book of poems and prose submitted by the fans, but she has left the forum recently without posting anything more about the project. That is a pity, since I have often submitted things to projects and very rarely ever seen evidence of the finished product. I wish I felt more positive about contributing to another project, but it always seems to me that what I submit disappears into some void that I have no way of tracing or knowing whether it reached its final destination.
I am aware of Shannon's project.

I guarantee that if we get this project up and running that it won't drop off the face of the earth. I understand those fears and worries, but yeah I guarantee its not going to happen on my watch :)
We can do this in a number of ways. They can be scanned and sent where I can have them collated in a suitably high quality format and placed into the scrapbook, which I think would be a good option.


Yay! Can't wait! :) :)

Well let me know and I'll get starting on my collection pics/letters

My collection needs to be bigger though haha. 14 CD's, 5 DVDs, 1 poster, 1 portrait painting.. Oh and I forgot! One tape and one vinyl ha
Must get more haha
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Excellent Gonetoosoon! I will make sure everybody knows, at the moment I'm just getting a show of support. Once we do that we can move onto stage 2!
I want to do this project. I don't think I can do the second part. But I can do the first and third parts. Especially since I have lots of pictures of my huge MJ collection. But I am planning on taking more updated pictures. And of me wearing one of my many MJ t-shirts and my MJ necklace. The necklace I wear continuesly. It almost never comes off of me now. And I am always wearing one of my many MJ t-shirts.
I'm in :) Will be checking back for more details! Contact the site owner and mods and stuff and try and figure out where you could send your package, they might know :)
I'm in :) Will be checking back for more details! Contact the site owner and mods and stuff and try and figure out where you could send your package, they might know :)

For sure, I will send a few emails out and see what I can come up with. Right now this is a particularly important detail.
Maybe we should make a numbers thread?

What did you have in mind?

I will also have a look at various scrapbooks that we can use and place everything into. If anybody sees something online that you feel would be particularly suitable let me know (either in here or via pm or email - yazman AT I will investigate this myself soon and I will show you what I've found.
I love this idea!!

And I think as MJ fans, we all should send them things for Christmas and for their birthdays too. They were Michael's life and his saving rock. We owe them, and it would make Michael happy because we love them too, dont we? :)
u gotta remember that u cannot bombard them w/ mj images. it's too soon. but i like the idea that fans r supporting them.