The pain of losing my baby. Long post.

My daughter lost a baby at full term back in 2008:(
My baby grandson was still born at full term. My heart goes out to you:wub:
:cry: I'm so sorry of your loss. I will pray for you, your husband and your little angel
Oh no! I'm so sorry. :(

I wish you and your husband all the best in the future :better:
So sorry to hear about your awful story! :( Sending you love and strength to get through this.. :hug:
That must have been horrible for you, I am very sorry. Nobody should have to go through that. x
I'm so sorry for your loss! Sending you hugs and love and strength to get through this ordeal and I hope from the bottom of my heart that in due time you will become the loving parents of a healthy little boy or girl. Keep the Faith!

Baby Peanut, that's just the cutest thing I ever heard, got me teary-eyed.
I am so sorry for your loss...
Your child will always be with you in spirit.
Its really hard, i wish you strenght.

I had a late miscarriage last november, when i was supposed to be 12 weeks they found out our baby stopped living after 8 or 9 weeks.
I was due to have our child on june 25th but unfortunately it wasnt meant to be...
As a father, it's my greatest fear to lose one of my children. Your child's soul will be in heaven with the angels.