The pain of losing my baby. Long post.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Sunny San Diego
As some of you know, my husband and I were expecting our very first child this year. I made a thread several months back about me conceiving and so I was very elated. It felt so magical. Nervous I was, but the unconditional love that my husband and I felt for our child, was just out of this world. I took PreNatal Vitamins, I took care of myself, and did everything that I was supposed to do. I had a very sensitive pregnancy. You name all the pregnancy symptoms, and chances are, I probably had it. Nausea, vomiting, sore gums, back ache, joint pains, my vision got worse, sensitive nose that turned me into a recluse because I couldn't stand any odor, so I stayed in my room. I had to resign my job because I couldn't drive. I had the worst migraines.

So I just read up on anything pregnancy related. One thing that still stands out to me the most was that, if an expecting woman has pregnancy symptoms, chances for her miscarrying are slim. I was very happy to have known that since miscarriage runs in my family. Anyway, I was supposed to have been 16 weeks when I found out. I spotted a little and thought that was normal but asked my sister who's a nurse and she told me to go to the ER just in case. So my older sister took me to the ER and my husband met us there. We were all so nervous the whole time. They took blood samples, urine, vital signs. 3 1/2 hours later, I was finally admitted inside the ER.

The whole time we were waiting for the doctor, my husband just kept quiet and I the same. Doctor came in and asked us if we had any kids and I said, "no, this is our first, and we planned it." She then lightly put her hand on my leg, and I knew. I lost it. She told me that she was very sorry and that my baby had passed away at 11 weeks and 3 days. Yes, my baby had been dead inside of me for 5 weeks. I just remember breaking down and I saw my husband sobbing and we just hugged. One nurse, came in and sat down with me and she said, "I don't have any kids yet and I don't know what you are going through but I just want to hug you." So she did and she cried with me. The doctor prescribed me Vicodin and Ibuprofen since I chose to miscarry at home. I didn't want to have a D&C (where they take the fetus and remnants out of your uterus) because, I wanted this to be personal. So off we went. That was May 19th.

I was told by my older sister, who also had a miscarriage that I will be bleeding alot. So we bought pads, and I brought out towels. We waited and waited. Nothing. I was cramping a little and thought that my body will be able to handle it. No, I was wrong. That is actually an understatement. I started having contractions the night of May 20th, every 20 minutes but I just kept telling myself that I'll be able to do this. The contractions got worse, they were on top of each other to the point when I was biting my pillow. I got on the floor, did all types of position to relieve the pain, but nothing. Nothing helped. I was screaming at the top of my lungs. So my husband finally just said, that's it, I'm taking you back to the ER. The whole time that I was going through this, I kept thinking to myself, maybe my baby is still alive, maybe he/she is still kickin and smilin. Got to the ER, they did an ultrasound, 2 abdominal and 1 vaginal. All with the same results. I saw my baby, just lying down there. No heartbeat, no movement. I couldn't think of anything more painful than seeing your baby like that. So I was pumped with Morphine which didn't help the pain, so they used, Dilaudid, an even stronger one. I was so groggy but my body could still feel the contractions.

The doctor came and told me that my cervix is dilated but my body is not expelling the baby. So then, I opted to do the D&C. I was sent home for a few hours. May 21, went to the hospital and got prepped up for surgery. I asked the doctors and nurses to stop asking questions for a while and to give us a few minutes. So then, my husband and I said our final goodbyes to our Little Angel. I told my husband that I would want to see our little baby and he said, "no, it might traumatized you." So, I agreed and off I went to the surgery room. I woke up with more pain after, more Morphine, more bleeding and more of everything. I felt so empty. Physically and emotionally. I was no longer pregnant. My baby was no longer with me. It hurt the most. I cried everyday for weeks following that event. I cried morning and night. Then it just dawned on me that maybe this isn't the right time yet. That maybe God has far better reasons for me not to have the baby yet. My husband and family have been very supportive and though I know my husband is hurting just as much as I am, he's been my rock throughout this whole ordeal.

We nicknamed our baby "Peanut" because he/she looked like one on our first ultrasound. So Baby Peanut, wherever you are, I hope you know that Daddy and Mommy loves you very much. You will forever be missed.
Aww...that's so sad, I remember that thread. :(

I'm sorry for your loss. :hug:
Oh my God, I am SO sorry to hear that... I can't begin to imagine how bad that must have felt :( I don't even have words to say after reading that, I'm shocked. And Baby Peanut, that is the cutest thing I have ever read... my dearest, DEAREST apologies during this tough time. Please, just let me know if you need to talk or anything :(

Do take care love :hug:
I am so terribly sorry that you and your husband had to suffer this kind of pain....losing a child and I understand although it was not a full pregnancy it was still your child...(I too had a miss carriage at 16 wks). You will in time get over it..learn to except it...whatever people want to call it. Its been 25 years and two children later and I still think of my lost child everyday. You will be ok will take must go through the grieving process. I will pray for you and your husband for the strength to heal. I know it doesn't seem like it right now...but the sun will shine again..:hug:
Hi, I am so sorry you have to know this pain. I know you're pain very well. Nothing we can say will lessen the pain, I am so sorry.

Please be hugged. Baby Peanut knows his parents and Baby Peanut knows your love. :better::better::better:

Wishing you, your husband and your baby peace and love. :better:
I am so sorry for your loss. I feel what you felt - I had some bleeding and irregularity early on in my pregnancy....I couldn't imagine losing the baby. May you take time to heal before you try again. Wishing you all the best. Take care.
Thank you everyone for your love and concern. And it is very comforting, though not in the very best scenario possible, to know that some of you know what my husband and I are going through personally. We are taking it one day at a time. We are going to Hawaii for a little get away, so that will give us time to really reflect back on what happened and when we are going to try again. I'm sure Baby Peanut would love to have sisters and brothers.

It made me cry. I'm sorry for you and your husband. I wish that you'll be ok soon. Do not worry..... God will be looking for you and He will help you be a mother in the near future. :yes: :angel: :pray:

Take care..... :hug:
:cry: I'm so sorry for your loss. :better:
I wish you and your husband all the best. hugs :hug:
Oh my, I'm so sorry you and your husband have lost your precious little angel... I have read your story with tears in my eyes. :cry: Sending over lots of love and strenth for you! Take care! :huggy: :heart:
Diana xx
:cry: Im so sorry :hug:

I hope you two will have a great time in Hawaii.. and I think you are right, everything does happen for a reason :hug:
Oh no :( This is so sad. I'm really, really sorry. Just know that Michael is now taking care of your little angel somewhere up there. Your baby is safe. :)

I wish you all the best in dealing with your pain and if you ever need to talk I'm only a PM away.
I'm in tears reading this too. You and your husband clearly are there for each other, and it's great that you feel you can confide in your MJJC family too.

I'm so sorry, all my love always.

Hannah xxx

Rest in peace baby Peanut x
I am so sorry to read this and wsh you and your husband all the best. You'll be great parents some day! And your little angel is now with that other angel you love.

Take care!
I remember you had told us you were pregnant and so happy...:no:Im so sorry..:(Im sure your lil Peanut is moonwalking with Michael up in the sky and they both watching over you :hug:
I can't imagine your pain. :( My deepest condolances *hugs* Sending strenght your way.
i'm so sorry.:( i'm sure baby peanut can feel the love from you and your husband.
stay strong! *hugs*
I´m sorry for the loss of your baby peanut.
Hi all, thank you very much for your kind words. I feel so loved :) and I'm sure Baby Peanut is up there smiling down at all of you. He is probably even moonwalking right now.
.............((((((((((((((((warm hug))))))))))))))))))
I am so sorry for your loss. I don't personally know what you are going through, but I can tell you of a situation that I know of, and I can tell you how they handled it.

My boyfriend's sister (who is like my own sister) was pregnant with her first baby as well. It was a little girl and the baby daddy was not in the picture so she moved back home so that her family could help take care of her and the baby. Her due date was December 10th (my bday :) ) and it came and went and nothing. It got to be January and no one could believe that the doctor let her go THAT far over due. She eventually fessed up to everyone that she had gone in to labor on the 16th of December and didn't tell anyone because her borthers and dad wouldn't know what to do and her mom was working. So she drove herself to the hospital and thought she would have time to call her mom to come over when she got out of work.

Her labor and delivery were all done in around 3 hours, and the baby that had been healthy a week before at her doctors appointment was born still born. A full size, full term baby girl named Madisen Lynne. She held her, dressed her and took her picture and then the baby was cremated. Her guy friend signed off as the father and took the babies remains. She kept this a secret from her family because it was so close to Christmas, and pretended to be pregnant still. When she said she was going to Dr appointments she was actually going to see a therapist.

If you feel very depressed, you probably should go talk to someone. She got so down about things she tried to run her car into a telephone pole. :( But she gave herself 6 months to cope and heal, and then on June 26th we actually had a memorial for Madisen. Her family created a beautiful flower garden for her and each of us brought something. Some of us brought perennial plants, someone brought her a water fountain, my boyfriend bought solar lights that changed colors, and she bought a statue of a baby with angel wings laying down in a set of hands. It's absolutely beautiful. She wrote a poem that was read during the memorial and now whenever she wants to be with her baby she just goes out to her garden and sits on the bench that her parents put there.

It is difficult to get through. Just being an outsider looking in I felt pain for her, and for you. I can't even imagine what you are feeling, but I hope that things look up for you and you heal and recover and try to start a family again when you feel you are ready. People like you are people that SHOULD be parents. There are so many parents that don't even want children. I wish you all the best!!