Momma Shannon
Proud Member
The "Over Zealous" fan in this case also, out of pure jealousy and fear of another fan getting too close; making up lies about fans in order to isolate them from any possiblities of getting in good with anyone on Michael's official team.
These fans are out right scary because they seem so friendly and nice on the outside but their true nature can't be hidden for long and they can be horrible malicious individuals. It doesn't matter what they have to do they will do it to get where they want to be. Doesn't even matter if their actions would harm Michael they just need the satisfaction of getting to a level where they are important in his world. It's truely sad and they can be a serious danger to know.
Fan club President's and Admin. have also been at odds because of the sly work of the Over Zealous fan.
At odds wouldn't be the appropriate term nor would sly. Concerned would be more accurate. That particular type are dangerous to anyone who they conceive as in their way and that includes any successful site admins. It's sad to watch but their compacity of rational thought is clouded. Anything they do isn't "sly" it's usually at the expense of others.
I hope with this thread being moved, fans will know its here.
This is a community issue so unless peeps aren't interested in the community runnings then they will see it. If they aren't interested they certainly won't bother in the Michael Mania section which is where this was before.
This problem that we have in our community isn't limited to just this board, it has happened with several MJ forums.
That's because the people in question tend to go to several boards not just one.
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