The One thing I NEVER heard about MJ...

Something's been bugging me for a while now, where are the kids that visited Neverland? Are none of them talking about their visit because they don't want press intrusion do you think? If I'd been invited to Neverland and hung out with him as a kid I think I would be telling the world how wonderful he is!
I agree, my aunty has the same effect on people. I've been to family get-togethers and listened as people bitched about her and complained about how she was ALWAYS LATE... then she'd walk into the room and everyone would forget what they had said and they'd all end up gravitating towards her.

I remember reading an article years ago about a top private resort chef talking about Michael Jackson in a magazine.
He was saying how he was never a fan and always suspected the worst of Michael (including the allegations). Anyway he was in charge of a big event that was due to have a lot of A listers and one of his cooks was super excited cause Mr Michael Jackson was rumoured to be in attendance. The Chef was saying he was really pissy and told them to get over the guy and admitted calling Mike a few names. He'd done big events before and wasn't one for being star struck etc etc.
Well... he said the night was getting along and something went wrong out on the main buffet/display table or something and he had to personally go out there and deal with it. He said he remembered seeing some fairly big names like Tom Cruise and a few others swanning about kissing butt with older suits (movie execs etc)... anyway halfway through fixing the issue at hand he said he suddenly noticed the room quieten and it was like someone had sucked all the air out of the room. He turned and in walked Michael Jackson with an unknown beautiful woman on his arm and two other older gentlemen. He couldn't help but stare and then noticed all these other movers and shakers trying to get to Michael but at the same time trying to act all casual and not like they were desperate LOL
He said he went back to the kitchen being incredibly impressed with Michael's aura and instant impact in a room and was kinda disappointed that he looked normal and not like he does in the magazines.
Later on in the night it was super busy and he was under pressure and one of the event managers walked in asking could he please come and see one of the guests, they wished to compliment him for this evening's meal. He remembered going off saying he didn't have time to deal with any celebrities etc and the guy told him to just come out regardless. He was angry and was lead across to none other than Micahel himself. He said Michael shook his hand and it was like the world stop... Michael complimented him on the meal and his work and ask him to thank the rest in the kitchen as well. He said he went back to the kitchen and realised that the real Michael Jackson was far different than from the one he'd heard about for years.
He ended the article by saying he's still not a fan of his music but that he has a lot of respect for Michael and would never want to trade places with him ever LOL

Wow, that really is a wonderful story, Linda :) Thankies ^_^

Do you have any idea when this happened? (his "meeting" with Michael) Or around what era?
Yes, one of my dreams have truly died. This will always be one of my biggest regrets. He really was unique.

Just this morning I suddenly realised this :( :( That I will never ever will have a chance to see him close :( even though I saw him once quite close and could feel his magic aura and warmth :(
I agree, my aunty has the same effect on people. I've been to family get-togethers and listened as people bitched about her and complained about how she was ALWAYS LATE... then she'd walk into the room and everyone would forget what they had said and they'd all end up gravitating towards her.

I remember reading an article years ago about a top private resort chef talking about Michael Jackson in a magazine.
He was saying how he was never a fan and always suspected the worst of Michael (including the allegations). Anyway he was in charge of a big event that was due to have a lot of A listers and one of his cooks was super excited cause Mr Michael Jackson was rumoured to be in attendance. The Chef was saying he was really pissy and told them to get over the guy and admitted calling Mike a few names. He'd done big events before and wasn't one for being star struck etc etc.
Well... he said the night was getting along and something went wrong out on the main buffet/display table or something and he had to personally go out there and deal with it. He said he remembered seeing some fairly big names like Tom Cruise and a few others swanning about kissing butt with older suits (movie execs etc)... anyway halfway through fixing the issue at hand he said he suddenly noticed the room quieten and it was like someone had sucked all the air out of the room. He turned and in walked Michael Jackson with an unknown beautiful woman on his arm and two other older gentlemen. He couldn't help but stare and then noticed all these other movers and shakers trying to get to Michael but at the same time trying to act all casual and not like they were desperate LOL
He said he went back to the kitchen being incredibly impressed with Michael's aura and instant impact in a room and was kinda disappointed that he looked normal and not like he does in the magazines.
Later on in the night it was super busy and he was under pressure and one of the event managers walked in asking could he please come and see one of the guests, they wished to compliment him for this evening's meal. He remembered going off saying he didn't have time to deal with any celebrities etc and the guy told him to just come out regardless. He was angry and was lead across to none other than Micahel himself. He said Michael shook his hand and it was like the world stop... Michael complimented him on the meal and his work and ask him to thank the rest in the kitchen as well. He said he went back to the kitchen and realised that the real Michael Jackson was far different than from the one he'd heard about for years.
He ended the article by saying he's still not a fan of his music but that he has a lot of respect for Michael and would never want to trade places with him ever LOL

Okay...I just had another tear swell! Thank you so much for posting this story.
What a fantastic thing to be remembered for, just another part of his awesome legacy IMO. When people have to literally search for bad things to say about you or make stuff up, then you're doing something RIGHT. I sincerely hope he's dancing on a cloud, soaring up so high :) I just thank God for lending him to us for a while.

we all know God broke the mold when he created MJ..

awh I'm welling up again.....

He really is so so special....I'm glad to have been on earth while he was here

You're welcome guys... I wish I knew what magazine the article was in originally.

Wow, that really is a wonderful story, Linda :) Thankies ^_^

Do you have any idea when this happened? (his "meeting" with Michael) Or around what era?

To be honest I have no idea when it occurred it was a long time ago that I read the article and I just remember the story so well because I read it a few times whilst waiting in a doctor's surgery (was a food/diet/travel/lifestyle magazine??). The story fascinated me because here was someone being incredibly honest he admitted to not liking Michael Jackson the popstar and believeing all the BS about him... and then being totally impressed with Michael's manners as a person. The full article was about why he moved away from working with big A-listing functions etc and that Michael was a stand out not only because of the sheer impact he had on a room.. but because of the way he conducted himself... whilst everyone was falling over each other to try and network with people (and Mike) he just did his own thing.

I would say it would have been before 05 though.
To be honest I have no idea when it occurred it was a long time ago that I read the article and I just remember the story so well because I read it a few times whilst waiting in a doctor's surgery (was a food/diet/travel/lifestyle magazine??). The story fascinated me because here was someone being incredibly honest he admitted to not liking Michael Jackson the popstar and believeing all the BS about him... and then being totally impressed with Michael's manners as a person. The full article was about why he moved away from working with big A-listing functions etc and that Michael was a stand out not only because of the sheer impact he had on a room.. but because of the way he conducted himself... whilst everyone was falling over each other to try and network with people (and Mike) he just did his own thing.

I would say it would have been before 05 though.

Oh, I understand. Makes sense you'd remember it :)

Thanks :flowers:

P.S. This reminds of how that dancer said: "I smell Michael Jackson" :lol:
P.S. This reminds of how that dancer said: "I smell Michael Jackson" :lol:

:rofl: I wish I could have seen his face when he found out he was behind him.

Thank you for the story LJ, it was one of my dreams to meet him one day too...:no:
I felt most guys who've met him had gay crush on him and jealous of him in some way including that accuser.

That's just SO funny to me that you said that. I always thought how uncomfortable some men would feel around Michael or thinking about him.

I can imagine many STRAIGHT men finding themselves strangely attracted to MJ because of how gentle and in some ways androgynous he was.

I really wouldn't be surprised if some that say very nasty things about him it's for that exact reason. They're fighting the feelings and feel ashamed about it. LOL!

I also think a lot of men were probably jealous too. Michael was a big time ladies man and had all the worldly fare anyone could wish to have on this earth.