The One thing I NEVER heard about MJ...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Second star to the right.
There's been a lot said about Michael Jackson over the years, but the one thing I never EVER heard was that someone who actually MET him didn't like him.

Nobody saying Michael the a-hole or Michael the bastard, etc

It seems that everybody who actually got past the tabloid garbage and had face to face contact with this man and got to know him ended up falling in love with him , even if they thought he was "weird" at first.

Even the people who claimed MJ did whatever to their kids said in several interviews (before they flip flopped) that he was the nicest person they ever met.

I think that says a hell of a lot about Michael even though we all already know how great he was.
i thought something similar when i was watching uri's special and they were talking about how he was 2 hrs late! but when he got there everything was fine and everyone was happy as if it lifted everyone's spirits. one woman said his presence was like the pope! i'm like: the pope?! you'd think everyone would be mad.
Great observation! I'm just sad a lot of fans, including myself, never got to meet him/talk to him. Well at least we can all say we were alive when MJ was on this Earth. Michael was one of a kind.:)
he has an amazing aura. u couldnt help be not taken in by him
A lot of people also say they're surprised by how tall he actually is, and that he has a prescence that's almost tangible.
The few times I've been close to him (even though for very little time) I've also experienced his aura, fans experience it differently and to me he had a very calming effect. Always.
Well I have never actually met him, but I was blessed to be able to get into the courtroom...and I can tell you that the second he walked in...I had tears instantly running down my face. Michael definately had an amazing aura and spirit about him. He was so amazing, I dont have the words to describe him. He definately belongs in heaven where he has everlasting joy! Luv u 4 ever Michael!
I don't know now, if MJ showed up 2hrs late to my wedding, he would've been called something and it wouldn't have been

I am sure it is someone out there that probably called him something, but since they most likely don't amount to a hill of beans nobody picked up on it.. MJ was a loving person, I am sure he had his "everybody else" moments and pissed a few ppl off, or vice versa (I luv the pics of him giving the media the finger), he is one of the great ones, and we all know God broke the mold when he created MJ.. Even the bastards that testified against him at the trial couldn't have told a story without saying he was a good guy before going on to lie about him..
What a fantastic thing to be remembered for, just another part of his awesome legacy IMO. When people have to literally search for bad things to say about you or make stuff up, then you're doing something RIGHT. I sincerely hope he's dancing on a cloud, soaring up so high :) I just thank God for lending him to us for a while.
he has an amazing aura. u couldnt help be not taken in by him

That's a great way to put it and how I feel also. One thing, when he walked into a room you FELT him. Not into the whole "god fan" thing....just saying....and anybody he met he was truly glad to meet that person no matter how fleeting it was.

because....when he smiles, everybody will though that he is an angel ^^ i almost imagine that when he came late....everyone got furious but then when he finally arrived and smile...there's angels singing behind him like "HAAAALLLEELUUYAAAAHHH...." so everyone got to smile again....

I agree. It was almost hypnotizing, sort of like - everything around stopped existing for a moment. It was magic.

i'd love to hear more, but what i say now is that i believe what you're saying. i only see him in youtube and the tv, but i experience that amazing pull from him, which is, as you say, magic.
I agree with all you guys Michael was speciacial indeed. I have always been obsessed with Michael when I was little and he came to my country in the 70s. As I grew up I kinda forgot him until 2003 with the Bashir interview. Since then it is like some kind of thing has happen to me where Michael has been continually been on my mind, and I can't help thinking about him.

I see now why even his ex-wives (lisa Marie being the # culprit) is still is in love with him. There is no doubt that there was something special about Michael The media recognize that too, but to admit it would be boring. So vilifying him is more profitable to them.
I felt most guys who've met him had gay crush on him and jealous of him in some way including that accuser.
Exactly - "he had an amazing aura. u couldnt help be not taken in by him"
one would freeze for a moment....everyone did..
That's a great way to put it and how I feel also. One thing, when he walked into a room you FELT him. Not into the whole "god fan" thing....just saying....and anybody he met he was truly glad to meet that person no matter how fleeting it was.


I agree, my aunty has the same effect on people. I've been to family get-togethers and listened as people bitched about her and complained about how she was ALWAYS LATE... then she'd walk into the room and everyone would forget what they had said and they'd all end up gravitating towards her.

I remember reading an article years ago about a top private resort chef talking about Michael Jackson in a magazine.
He was saying how he was never a fan and always suspected the worst of Michael (including the allegations). Anyway he was in charge of a big event that was due to have a lot of A listers and one of his cooks was super excited cause Mr Michael Jackson was rumoured to be in attendance. The Chef was saying he was really pissy and told them to get over the guy and admitted calling Mike a few names. He'd done big events before and wasn't one for being star struck etc etc.
Well... he said the night was getting along and something went wrong out on the main buffet/display table or something and he had to personally go out there and deal with it. He said he remembered seeing some fairly big names like Tom Cruise and a few others swanning about kissing butt with older suits (movie execs etc)... anyway halfway through fixing the issue at hand he said he suddenly noticed the room quieten and it was like someone had sucked all the air out of the room. He turned and in walked Michael Jackson with an unknown beautiful woman on his arm and two other older gentlemen. He couldn't help but stare and then noticed all these other movers and shakers trying to get to Michael but at the same time trying to act all casual and not like they were desperate LOL
He said he went back to the kitchen being incredibly impressed with Michael's aura and instant impact in a room and was kinda disappointed that he looked normal and not like he does in the magazines.
Later on in the night it was super busy and he was under pressure and one of the event managers walked in asking could he please come and see one of the guests, they wished to compliment him for this evening's meal. He remembered going off saying he didn't have time to deal with any celebrities etc and the guy told him to just come out regardless. He was angry and was lead across to none other than Micahel himself. He said Michael shook his hand and it was like the world stop... Michael complimented him on the meal and his work and ask him to thank the rest in the kitchen as well. He said he went back to the kitchen and realised that the real Michael Jackson was far different than from the one he'd heard about for years.
He ended the article by saying he's still not a fan of his music but that he has a lot of respect for Michael and would never want to trade places with him ever LOL
When you also look at michael in a spiritual way you see he has a hugeeee aura around him.
A very beautifull serene comforting aura.
So that,s why people all loved being around him.
He had a healing power on others, just being around him could help someone.
Thats a nice story :)

And even though so many will never meet him, his presence will be here through his work. Maybe we can use that to inspire us to be a tiny % of what he was? To care about whoever we meet, and be aware of the people around us? Maybe that was one of his secrets? That he did actually care about people? Whoever they were.
Thanksss so much L.J for the story. I have no chance to meet him but I feel like ppl feel that he has aura and when he smiles :) always bless me