**The Official Blogthings and Quiz Thread**

You Are Yellow
You are bright, vibrant, and cheerful. Your energy can take over a room.
You look on the sunny side of life. You are able to avoid stress, anxiety, and burnout.

It's hard to get you down, and you've rarely been depressed in your life.
You tend to have a clear mind and an unburdened heart. You try to bring as much light as possible into your life.
You Are a Comb
You are expressive and outgoing. You like to experiment with your personal style.
You are imaginative and very visual. You like to look good, and you're attracted to beauty.

You are creative and design oriented. You redecorate often, and you like to make yourself over.
You are inventive and extremely original. You do things differently just because it feels good.

You Are Somewhat Spiritual


You believe it is important to have a higher purpose in life, when you can find one.

You are still searching somewhat. You don't feel as connected to the world as you'd like.

You may not feel like you have all the answers, but you believe questioning is important.

You likely don't follow any one religion. You are open to many beliefs and philosophies.

How Spiritual Are You?
You Are Super Spiritual
You are in touch with the world around you, and you find peace in connecting with others.
You believe that every life is special and that every life has a purpose.

You value harmony and understanding. You try not to judge, bicker, and fight.
As simple as it sounds, you truly think it's important to make the world a better place.


You Have Very Healthy Relationships
You are an amazing friend, partner, and family member.
You always take other people's feelings into account, and you're never selfish.

Your relationships are based on mutual respect.
You respect the people you love, and you only love people who respect you in return.


You Are a Ring Finger
You are romantic, expressive, and hopeful. You see the best in everything.
You are very artistic, and you see the world as your canvas. You are also drawn to the written word.
Inventive and unique, you are often away in your own inner world.

You get along well with: The Pinky

Stay away from: The Index Finger


You Are Super Spiritual


You are in touch with the world around you, and you find peace in connecting with others.

You believe that every life is special and that every life has a purpose.

You value harmony and understanding. You try not to judge, bicker, and fight.

As simple as it sounds, you truly think it's important to make the world a better place.

How Spiritual Are You?

You're Very Fit


Congratulations, you're totally fit and doing everything right. Keep it up.

You have a high fitness level. It's likely that keeping active keeps you healthy and happy.

You're doing great things for yourself and inspiring others.

Be sure to keep challenging yourself so you don't get in a fitness rut!

Are You Fit?

You Are Conditioner


You are naturally nurturing and calming. You smooth things over.

You can have a neutralizing effect. You can deal with chaos well.

You are encouraging and supportive. You have a gentle touch.

You are generous and bighearted. You have a lot to give.

What Bathroom Product Are You?
Your Love is Represented by a Purple Rose
For you, love is all about chemistry and attraction. You totally believe in love at first sight.
If a relationship is right, you know it from the start.
You're often sure of your feelings. And you're not afraid to express them.


You Are Joyful
There's so much fun and joy in the world. You can't help but be jubilant.
Life is good, and you can't help but be reminded of it at every turn.

You are grateful for everything you have. More than grateful, you're downright delighted.
Even when you're having a rough time, you're always happy to be alive.

You Are Walking
You are a calm, peaceful person. You truly enjoy life.
You are very down to earth and grounded. You are not easily upset.

More than other people, you are able to really stop and smell the roses.
You take things at your own speed. You realize that life is a journey, not a race.


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You Are Engaged


You feel completely absorbed and intrigued right now. You're cheerfully busy.

You're alert and completely involved with everything you do. You don't walk through life half-asleep.

If you're interested and engrossed, then you feel incredibly happy.

You are constantly curious and never bored. There's too much to be fascinated with!

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You Aren't Cutthroat


You definitely have ambitions and drive, but you also have integrity.

You'll get where you want to in life, and you'll do it the right way.

For you, the ends never justify the means.

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You Are A Train


You are a true romantic. You have big dreams about how life should be.

You take life at a slow and steady pace. You try to appreciate every moment you have.

You are a very visual person. You are always on the lookout for beauty and inspiration.

You are able to relax and let go more than most people.

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You've Experienced 52% of Life


You have a good deal of life experience, about as much as someone in their late 20s.

You've seen and done enough to be quite wise, but you still have a lot of life to look forward to.

Regardless of your age, you may feel like you are still getting started.

Don't forget to look back at how far you've come. You've traveled a lot further than you might think.

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You Are a Visual Learner


You tend to remember what you see, and you have a good eye for aesthetics.

You excel at art, design, and computer programming.

You would be an excellent film director - or the next Bill Gates!


You Are A Spaceship


You're so weird that you're practically out of this world.

You are a total dreamer. You are obsessed with conquering the impossible.

You are wild and adventurous. You love thrills of all sorts.

You are a true sensation seeker. You are always looking for that next high.

What Type of Transportation Are You?
Your Love is Represented by a White Rose
While you may or may not be totally naive, you do approach love with an eternal innocence.
You love like you've never been hurt. And you put all your faith in your partner.
Your philosophy on love is: be honest and be yourself. :girl_flirt::p

You Are Peaceful
You are feeling very serene and centered. You're content with your life.
You have a clear head and a peaceful spirit. You are relaxed enough to appreciate what you have.

You are able to let go of your fears. You are trusting and generous toward others.
You live a quiet, mellow life. It may not be dramatic, but it's very fulfilling. :girl_dance:

You Are Walking
You are a calm, peaceful person. You truly enjoy life.
You are very down to earth and grounded. You are not easily upset.

More than other people, you are able to really stop and smell the roses.
You take things at your own speed. You realize that life is a journey, not a race.:girl_sigh:

You Are a Auditory Learner
You tend to remember what you hear, and you have a knack for speaking well.
You excel at debating, foreign languages, and music.
You would be an excellent diplomat - or rock star!:unsure::lol:


You Are A Train


You are a true romantic. You have big dreams about how life should be.

You take life at a slow and steady pace. You try to appreciate every moment you have.

You are a very visual person. You are always on the lookout for beauty and inspiration.

You are able to relax and let go more than most people.

What Type of Transportation Are You?
You Are Super Spiritual
You are in touch with the world around you, and you find peace in connecting with others.
You believe that every life is special and that every life has a purpose.

You value harmony and understanding. You try not to judge, bicker, and fight.
As simple as it sounds, you truly think it's important to make the world a better place.

You Are Highly Inspiring


You believe that your life has a higher purpose, and you do all you can to achieve it.

You are wise, and a lot of your wisdom comes from self discipline.

You try to live as moderately and modestly as possible.

You make room for rational, small indulgences... while living as ethically as you can.

The Watercolor Test

You Are Medium-Skinned


You can be sensitive at times, but that's totally normal.

Your sensitivity means you can be empathetic and compassionate, even if you're a bit thin-skinned.

You take what people think into account but you try not to let it get to you.

It's hard not to take things personally, but you do your best.

Are You Thin Skinned or Thick Skinned?
You Are Highly Colorful
You are intensely alive and very passionate.
You are optimistic about the world and about people.

You feel very connected to others, and you tend to be a harmonizing force.
You are vibrant and receptive. You are ready for whatever the world has to offer you.


You Are Thick-Skinned
People may not always love you, but that's totally fine.
You're happy with who you are, and you don't really crave outside approval.

You love yourself, and that's the most important thing. You have high self esteem.
And because you don't care what other people think, they tend to like you a lot!

You Are Highly Colorful
You are intensely alive and very passionate.
You are optimistic about the world and about people.

You feel very connected to others, and you tend to be a harmonizing force.
You are vibrant and receptive. You are ready for whatever the world has to offer you.

You Are Highly Authentic


You're as real as they come... and quite modest too.

You are very self-assured, and you have a healthy amount of self-esteem.

You feel confident that you can take on the world.

You are have a great sense of humor, especially when it comes to laughing at yourself.

The Watercolor Test
You Are Highly Colorful
You are intensely alive and very passionate.
You are optimistic about the world and about people.

You feel very connected to others, and you tend to be a harmonizing force.
You are vibrant and receptive. You are ready for whatever the world has to offer you.

You Are Medium Maintenance


Like everyone else, you have some things you are particular about.

You're not too annoying about it, and you're able to go with the flow most of the time.

You've learned to stand your ground on what matters but also make compromises from time to time.

You have good taste. Too bad not everyone shares it.

Are You High Maintenance?

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You Are Low Maintenance

Compared to most people, you are incredibly easy going.

To be honest, you are truly a breath of fresh air.

You are open minded about trying new things, and you're not upset when things don't work out.

You are willing to go along to get along. And your attitude helps you truly enjoy life!

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You Are Lavender

You are a sweet person with a very soft personality.

People become easily entranced with you. They seem to glow around you.

You have a quiet energy that can keep you active late into the night.

Even if you aren't the life of the party, you definitely keep the party going.

You Are Accepting and Open


When You Are Comfortable:

You are enthusiastic and flexible. You are open-minded. You prefer to learn from others... not judge them.

People see you as kind and cooperative. You are very supportive when friends are down on their luck.

When You Are At Your Best:

You are a determined and responsible. You strive for success, and you know what it takes to get things done.

People find you to be trustworthy and a good leader. You treat people well, and they benefit from your wisdom.

When You Are in a Social Setting:

You are very perceptive. You can see things from all sides. You don't allow your life or mind to be cluttered.

People see you as spiritual and charismatic. You have interesting and unexpected insights. You advice is highly valued.

What Do Your Initials Say About You?
You Are Deep and Insightful
When You Are Comfortable:

You are very perceptive. You can see things from all sides. You don't allow your life or mind to be cluttered.
People see you as spiritual and charismatic. You have interesting and unexpected insights. You advice is highly valued.

When You Are At Your Best:

You are a strong person. You're driven and assertive. Success is yours, as much as you want it.
People find you to be clever and spirited. You're a bit saucy too... delightfully so!

When You Are in a Social Setting:

You are a shy, quiet person. Underneath your shell, you are compassionate and giving.
People find you to be friendly and welcoming. Your home is a place of comfort to them.

You Are Low Maintenance


Compared to most people, you are incredibly easy going.

To be honest, you are truly a breath of fresh air.

You are open minded about trying new things, and you're not upset when things don't work out.

You are willing to go along to get along. And your attitude helps you truly enjoy life!

Are You High Maintenance?

You Feel Like Autumn


You have reached a point in your life where you feel successful and accomplished.

You have a full, bountiful life. And you're ready to sit back and enjoy it.

While you feel like you finally have enough in your life, you make find that you also have things you no longer need.

This is a time for you to reassess who you are, what you need, and where you want to go next in your life.

What Season Do You Feel Like?

You Are Intuitive


You are very sharp and shrewd. You can see the best and worst sides of people.

Right now, you are seeking peace and tranquility in your life.

You are drawn to people who are passionate and deep.

You feel like there are many major things in your life that need to be changed.

You are quick to react. You are courageous and bold.

The Jungle Test

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You Are Intuitive

You are very sharp and shrewd. You can see the best and worst sides of people.

Right now, you are seeking peace and tranquility in your life.

You are drawn to people who are innocent and pure of heart.

You feel like there is nothing in your life that needs to be changed.

Thats the only one thats wrong. :mello:

You take time before you react. You allow yourself to explore your options.

You Believe that Love is Devotion
When you think of love, you think of committing to one person for the rest of your life.

In love, you see things how they could be. You are wrapped up in your own dreams.

If you are in love, you want the whole world to know it. You don't hold back with letting people know.

You are patient in love. You are willing to wait for the right person and the right time.


You Feel Like Summer
Right now, you are filled with energy and excitement.
You feel like you are finally living the life you've always wanted... and you can barely believe it.

You are thriving and making progress. You feel like you can take on any challenge.
You are extremely happy and upbeat. You enjoy every part of your day, and you love the adventure of life.


You Are Dramatic
You are colorful and charismatic. You get and hold people's attention.

Right now, you are seeking peace and tranquility in your life.

You are drawn to people who are passionate and deep.

You feel like there is nothing in your life that needs to be changed.

You take time before you react. You allow yourself to explore your options.

You Feel Like Spring
You have reached a point in your life where new opportunities are coming your way.
The future is exciting and bright. You are excited to start making plans.

It's likely that you have been stuck in bit of a rut, but that's all about to change.
You're ready to explore, learn, challenge yourself, and grow. All of a sudden, the world is much more colorful.

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Your Gift is Sensitivity

You are easily moved, and you have a strong emotional reaction to almost everything.

Your sensitivity helps you get a lot out of life. You appreciate every moment more.

It's hard for you to divorce yourself from your feelings. You notice every little thing around you.

You're the type of person who finds empathy and compassion easy.

You Are A Little Snobby


Being a little snobby every once and a while is totally allowed.

If no one was ever snobby, people wouldn't try to better themselves.

While you enjoy the finest things in life (that you can afford), you do tire of superficiality.

You know there's more to life than what's just on the surface.

Are You Snobby?
ou Are Kind and Ethical
When You Are Comfortable:

You are a determined and responsible. You strive for success, and you know what it takes to get things done.
People find you to be trustworthy and a good leader. You treat people well, and they benefit from your wisdom.

When You Are At Your Best:

You are enthusiastic and flexible. You are open-minded. You prefer to learn from others... not judge them.
People see you as kind and cooperative. You are very supportive when friends are down on their luck.

When You Are in a Social Setting:

You are a hard worker. You need security and stability in your life, even if that means putting in long hours.
People see you as solid and dependable. You are always able to see the good in situations. Other find this comforting.

You Were Born into the Earth Element


You are a responsible person who values the joys of working hard.

You are practical, stable, and (obviously) down to earth.

You have to watch out for boredom. Your life needs more romance, adventure, friendship, and fun.

You are a solid friend and an ideal partner. You are honest, nurturing, and loyal.

What Element Were You Born Into?

You Were Born into the Wood Element


You are compassionate person who values harmony. You are quite generous toward others.

You are able to adapt to almost any situation. You are very independent.

You have to watch out for your temper. Your emotions can get the best of you at times.

You are truly passionate about life. You are always embracing the world and learning from it.

What Element Were You Born Into?

Your Bed Says You Are Down to Earth


Outward appearances are very important to you. You do your best to look good and have an attractive home.

You try to be an organized person, but you often fall behind. Certain parts of your life tend to fall into chaos.

You are not very high maintenance in general, but you are high maintenance about a few things.

In relationships, you tend to be quite dominant. You enjoy taking charge.

You tend to be a down to earth, practical person. You think in terms of what is actual.

You are a bit of a homebody, but you can also make yourself at home anywhere.

What Does Your Bed Say About You?
You Are Not a Snob
In general, you're a very open minded and kind person.
There really isn't a snobby bone in your body. You are very accepting.

You're not afraid to be who you are... you're proud of your individuality.
In truth, you think that snobby people aren't good enough for you!
Your Bed Says You Have Your Head in the Clouds
Outward appearances are very important to you. You do your best to look good and have an attractive home.

You are an organized and disciplined person. You do the right thing because you want to, not because people expect you to.

You are very high maintenance. You like everything a certain way, and you're grumpy if things aren't the way you like them.

In relationships, you tend to be quite dominant. You enjoy taking charge.

You tend to be a dreamy, head in the clouds type of person. You think in terms of possibilities.

You are a bit of a homebody, but you can also make yourself at home anywhere.