The New King of Pop is a Queen?!

Sheesh. Already trying to replace Michael? Good luck! Michael is the King and Madonna the Queen. Now that Michael is gone, she's the only true global megastar left (of MJ's caliber not talent).
dumb dumb. what people dont understand is it's not just about being a good singer it's about being unique.
I've heard it all now. I am sorry in adavnce for any of her fans that may be offended, but she is no MJ and I highly doubt she will ever reach the heights as him either. NO ONE WILL!! He was the King Of Pop, and he will reign forever!

I'd go for Janet being Queen of Pop though!

Agree!!! Michael can't be beat. IMPOSSIBLE. King of Pop Forever & Always.
Sheesh. Already trying to replace Michael? Good luck! Michael is the King and Madonna the Queen. Now that Michael is gone, she's the only true global megastar left (of MJ's caliber not talent).

what about paul,janet, whitney and mariah?
oh right yeah beyonce is now the queen of pop LOL.

She is amazing but Michael Is forever the KOP.
I once said it out loud: Beyonce could be the female Michael Jackson.
Then I thought again.....Nah!
Beyonce is good and all but I've never seen her on the same level as Michael.
The article is just dumb, they've forgotten about madonna, whitney, mariah, and janet and just went right to Beyonce. Can someone please tell how a King of Pop can be a Queen?! That article is too much.
please Michael will always be the king of pop.I love beyonce,but she is overrated,and I though she is more RNB ,then pop?
And madonna is queen of pop,so the place is replaced long ago..but of course not even madonna was near MJ
The new King Of Pop is a Queen..... hmm its not George Michael or Elton John by any chance is it?
what about paul,janet, whitney and mariah?

Paul as in McCartney? Janet, Whitney, nor Mariah have the world dominance and fame of Madonna. Madonna is larger than life. Why do you think when MJ died the first star the media turned to was Madonna?
I've heard it all now. Although Michael gone too soon, but i think that Michael is Michael, and she is she.
These two people are not the same and the mainpoint is no one can replace Michael.
He won't be replaced by anyone!!! Am i wrong???
I think this is joke only, it won't be truth forever~~
Paul as in McCartney? Janet, Whitney, nor Mariah Why do you think when MJ died the first star the media turned to was Madonna?

Coulda sworn the media turned to Janet the minute she arrived in LA on the 26th.
I saw this same article and sent it to some of my friends. We laughed. I mean we had a BIG LAUGH over this. There is no one that can take Michael's place. No one. Ever. EVER.
there are tons of artists that has a decent career history--just tell me when of them starts breaking records after records after records after records and......(repeat) that's the time we could name an heir. lol
there are tons of artists that has a decent career history--just tell me when of them starts breaking records after records after records after records and......(repeat) that's the time we could name an heir. lol
It's simply impossible for any artist to sell as many albums as MJ or other big names did in the past because so many people don't buy cd's anymore. There's too much downloading and copying going on to make that even a theoretical possibility.
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Beyonce as the heir of MJ? LOL. That's all I can say.

PS: And it's not becuase the record sales.
It's simply impossible for any artist to sell as many albums as MJ or other big names did in the past because so many people don't buy cd's anymore. There's too much downloading and copying going on to make that even a theoretical possibility.

People didn't buy CDs in the past either, because they didn't exist, lol. There was records (33, 45, & 78), cassettes, reel to reel, & 8-tracks though. Compact discs came out around 1987.
People didn't buy CDs in the past either, because they didn't exist, lol. There was records (33, 45, & 78), cassettes, reel to reel, & 8-tracks though. Compact discs came out around 1987.
I know - I'm not as retarded as Martin Bashir and Nancy Grace look. ;)
there are tons of artists that has a decent career history--just tell me when of them starts breaking records after records after records after records and......(repeat) that's the time we could name an heir. lol

and also break records they set, Mike did that many times
I like Beyonce, but she hasn't done anything new. She's just treading a well-worn path that many atists have walked down, the path that Michael started.
I've heard it all now. I am sorry in adavnce for any of her fans that may be offended, but she is no MJ and I highly doubt she will ever reach the heights as him either. NO ONE WILL!! He was the King Of Pop, and he will reign forever!
Agree 100%. Couldn't say it any better. :]
Coulda sworn the media turned to Janet the minute she arrived in LA on the 26th.

No, actually they got a quote from Madonna the very day. Just saying. I love Janet and all but her career and achievements pail in comparison to Madonna (especially today being that her last three albums all flopped). Not trying to state a way, just stating the truth.

I do however agree that no one can replace Michael. That's silly.