The naughty thread: Welcome to Naughtyland Ranch

Well your :naughty: :queen: is here...where oh where is our :naughty: :king2:
yeah - we need our :naughty: king...

Well your :naughty: :queen: is here...where oh where is our :naughty: :king2:

I'm sorry naughty citizens, but I have a presentation to do tomorrow about 9/11, and since today was finally the day bin Laden got killed :)party:) I've had to do a lot of work and changing it, which means I wasn't able to come online alot today.

Don't worry, we will have a :naughty: party in the future... when more naughty citizens are online :naughty:

Of course my :naughty: :king2:! You get a :bow: too!!!
I'm sorry there was no party guys, we'll just wait until Tyleks back and the rest of us are online :shifty:
