The Many Smiles Of Michael In This Is It...

lilsusie is a bit of a troll. He goes on many forums and bring negativity by pressing this image of Michael. Just ignore him.
This is what makes it harder. He smiled so much during this is was obvious that he was so happy to be back on stage and happy about performing again. The tickets sold out in hours, and this wasn't 200 tickets. It was 750,000 tickets. He looked so happy and it was just taken away from him just like that.
Michael knew it was rehearsals and he didn´t have to smile if he didn´t want to.
Maybe he was thinking of all the love he was going to give and recieve on the shows.
With 50 outsold shows he must have known there was lots of love for him.
Aw, I know. It really warmed my heart to see Michael smiling so much during TII. It really hurts too though, knowing he was so glad to be back on the stage and ready to perform again. Only, he never got the chance. :cry:
Yeah, to me he seemed to be having a great time creating this concert. He certainly did smile a lot and joked around a bit too.

Makes me think, he was really a beautiful man. So many people would have been bitter and twisted with the sort of treatment and scrutiny that Michael had all through his life, but he never let it change him. He was always a man filled with love for the human race and the planet. I think that is remarkable and I love him for that.
Yeah, to me he seemed to be having a great time creating this concert. He certainly did smile a lot and joked around a bit too.

Makes me think, he was really a beautiful man. So many people would have been bitter and twisted with the sort of treatment and scrutiny that Michael had all through his life, but he never let it change him. He was always a man filled with love for the human race and the planet. I think that is remarkable and I love him for that.

Really lovely post, kes1984. :wub:
he was listening to the fans screaming , i swear to god every time he smiled he was thinking how the fans will scream their heads off when i do this or do that.

he love the fans soooo much , he felt alive again.
And let's not forget MJ's smile at the end of 'Earth Song'. After giving Kenny direction about the stage's ramp coming down at the songs end, he tells Musical Director Michael Bearden that he wanted the number finished with just a piano acapella of 'ES's' melody. As Bearden begins to play it MJ's face lights up and he says, 'God bless you'.

Just a great moment.

That was one of my fave smiley moments, too. :wub: Everytime I see the film I melt at that part. It just seems really poignant, too. The smiles in TWYMMF were awesome as well. He was having so much fun there. Seems like he was in such great spirits on the 23rd (that Tuesday). Lots of smiles in that rehearsal footage.

Can't wait to see the DVD.
they dont care smile gets me everytime and seems to get a reaction from the audience aswell its such a sweet contentented smile
I love the part at the end of TWYMMF when they finish it to early and he says "come on give it to meeeey" and he's like one more time, that's why we rehearse, okay okay. He looks beautiful :wub: and his little smile. he seems a bit annoyed but ahh ;D