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my parents say im obsessed and idolize him, im doing my best not to tho. anyways they wont let me get any merch, they barely allow me to listen to his music and forbid me speaking of him because "he's a terrible human being" their words, not mine
sorry girly 😭 im here for you always! we're soulmate sista-besties for life @#applehead24 we love Michael together 💕

dont ever stop loving MJ and your not obsessive or addicted to him at all you just value him and admire him unlike those who were alive to experience his presence.... 👀

so much love to you, Lovely ♥️

jk DON'T do that. maybe show them what Mike actually is and then they'll like him. but if they still don't like him, don't let that stop loving Michael
i tried to show them, now that subject is forbidden. i still love him, but ik that i do idolize him and am working on it. i tried to show them, but because they were alive and i wasnt they are right and i am not according to them
i wont let it get me down tho
i tried to show them, now that subject is forbidden. i still love him, but ik that i do idolize him and am working on it. i tried to show them, but because they were alive and i wasnt they are right and i am not according to them
i wont let it get me down tho

uh huh! thats right! thats the resilience i love to hear from YOU! your a LOVER and a FIGHTER!

thats so SWEET and REAL of YOU to try to share him with your parents but if they reject him LET IT BE!

YOU know who he really is and thats ALL that matters

keep on loving him and letting your fan girling glimmer and glisten!!!

okay LOVE 💕 ✨
i tried to show them, but because they were alive and i wasnt they are right and i am not according to them
um no. who told you that? Ok first off, I get you I'm 14 and I was born a year AFTER Mike died and my parents were obvi alive during his time. Just because they were alive during mike's time DOES NOT mean that they know better. yes, they remember him but you did the research on him. you KNOW that he is better. your parents don't know who he REALLY IS. so just because they are older and they lived during his time DOES NOT MEAN they know better. prove them that.
um no. who told you that? Ok first off, I get you I'm 14 and I was born a year AFTER Mike died and my parents were obvi alive during his time. Just because they were alive during mike's time DOES NOT mean that they know better. yes, they remember him but you did the research on him. you KNOW that he is better. your parents don't know who he REALLY IS. so just because they are older and they lived during his time DOES NOT MEAN they know better. prove them that.
thats such a common parent thing to say :rolleyes: much love to all of our parents but the logic ain't always logicing
they KNOW OF Michael Jackson....they DONT KNOW Michael Jackson...period end of discussion right there :)
well....sorry to be that girl, but technically we dont know him either. we have never spoken to him or hung out with him..... we just know of him as well if you know what im sayin
well....sorry to be that girl, but technically we dont know him either. we have never spoken to him or hung out with him..... we just know of him as well if you know what im sayin
you right...

i wish they could love, admire, appreciate, value, and withhold condescending judgement from MJ and love his as he was flaws and shortcomings, and all, not allowing bias or rumors or tabloids to color their perception of him 🙁
well....sorry to be that girl, but technically we dont know him either. we have never spoken to him or hung out with him..... we just know of him as well if you know what im sayin
yea I get your point but there's PLENTY of information about M so we can kinda piece toghter what is right and what is wrong. Trust me. I've done A LOTTTTTTTTTTTT of research and I've been told that I know a lot about him. (I'm known as the Super-Fan))
yea I get your point but there's PLENTY of information about M so we can kinda piece toghter what is right and what is wrong. Trust me. I've done A LOTTTTTTTTTTTT of research and I've been told that I know a lot about him. (I'm known as the Super-Fan))
super fan thats pretty incredible!
yea I get your point but there's PLENTY of information about M so we can kinda piece toghter what is right and what is wrong. Trust me. I've done A LOTTTTTTTTTTTT of research and I've been told that I know a lot about him. (I'm known as the Super-Fan))
facts are what kills lies! keep up the factchecking Sweetie! 😁
um no. who told you that? Ok first off, I get you I'm 14 and I was born a year AFTER Mike died and my parents were obvi alive during his time. Just because they were alive during mike's time DOES NOT mean that they know better. yes, they remember him but you did the research on him. you KNOW that he is better. your parents don't know who he REALLY IS. so just because they are older and they lived during his time DOES NOT MEAN they know better. prove them that.
are your parents fans too?