The Last Person to Post in This Thread Wins

Had to think about Don from Sesame Street

Apparently it's World Tattoo Day. Is there ever a day when it's just ... y'know ... a day?

Anyway, tattoos, ancient and modern

Today is World Water Day

It's story time. I once ordered a cab through a service similar to Uber. I had the number of the car that would take me and it wasn't company cars. This was a few years ago and they were private drivers in their own private cars. I see a car with those license plates and I get in. The man behind the wheel met me with a slightly surprised look and I immediately sensed that something was wrong. So I asked if it was a taxi)))) and got a negative answer 😅😅😅😅 I was so embarrassed! It turned out that the car with my order was next to me and differed only by letters in the license plate 😂😂😂😂😂 and I usually don't pay attention to them....
I still remember the look