The Last Person to Post in This Thread Wins

Sure it makes me nervous, but hopefully the truth MJ will win in the end. Mentally supporting the defense team 🙏🙏🙏🙏
We have Ms Yu back and Sir T. Mez!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111 This is such good news.
...............I really ....I really believe that. it is going to be so difficult for the others to spin their lies or whatever they are thinking of doing.

Ardea purpurea (purpurhäger)
It's so large. It's standing in dirty water. The fish doesn't need to be caught. It doesn't need to be in the middle of our thread does it now? Wetting all the elecrobeams up.
Once you have removed the large birdy i'll give ya a hug. How are ya buddy ole pal