The last one to post is Michael's number 1 fan!

Actually yes. :lol: But I don't only like blue eyes. :p
^:lol: .... Good, I already though you don't like my eye-colour. :p
What's your eye color? Green was it? :scratch: I always confuse you and Rose. One of you has brown eyes. :lmao:
Then Rose has brown eyes. :D A lot of people in my family have green eyes. :yes: Myself included. Well... sort of.
^ Obviously. :D .... Really? I though you have blue eyes, :unsure: I saw it with my own eyes. :p :D
Yeah, they're blue-ish. Just like they're green-ish. And just like they're gray-ish. :lol: I can show you another picture in which they look green. And I might even find one in which they're gray. :lol: I googled it, and apparently this sort of shifty eye color is called "glasz". :lol:

This was in my paste, but he's wearing Converse, so I'm posting it. :D Because he reminds me of David Tennant's Doctor. o_O
I know. I want Ten back. :( I can't wait for the 50th anniversary. :D
I know. But time moves slowly when you want it to move fast.
Yeah, I know that to well. :sigh: ... but isn't anticipatory joy the greatest joy? :D ;)
I tried to give youy your rights, but if you don't want to, then fine, you're not entitled to your opinion. :toofunny:
:beee: ... I want to be entitled to my RIGHT opinion. :smilerolleyes: :p
Very funny. :sleep: .... You are very wrong, you couldn't be more wrong. :no: :D