The last one to post is Michael's number 1 fan!

of course you all KNOW I am Michael's number one fan...stop fooling yourselves.:rollin:
Ehmm ... let me thing about it. :thinking:

Yes! :D

But I'm off now.... I hope too see you soon! ;) :hug:
You are funny... on the one hand you say we are boring, and on the other hand you tell us to go away.

.... but I'm used to that from you by now... right!?! :lol:

You are boring. That's why I'm telling you to go away. :lmao: Also, I'm attempting to antagonize you, to make things more fun. But you never listen when I tell you to leave, so I leave instead.

And yeah, you should be used to it.
^Okay... that does make sense. :thinking: ... ... and thanks for telling me how to get rid of you. :lmao: :cheeky:


You will... Hopefully tomorrow!! ;)
Sweet Dreams Julia!! :sleeping:


Okay. .... So see you later today. :D

Thank you. :hug:
I know. You don't really observe stuff, do you. :smilerolleyes:
Well, what I'm trying to say is best illustrated by gifs...



Not only. I have a whole army of gifs. Hundreds of them. And my army is growing. So beware.


Or I will destroy you.
Omg... a growing army of gifs. :shock: :lol: .... it's a pity that I can't see those gifs. :sigh: :pardon: