The last one to post is Michael's number 1 fan!

yeah I still have yahoo...haven't used it in a long time though :p do you have msn? :D

hi Gabriella :bye:
ok :p
my msn is the one I sent you the xmas present from :p

I'm not on yahoo :eek:...I'm checking my mail so that's probably why :p
yeah I know...I was checking my email and it signs me in when I do and then out when I close the tab :p actually...hold on a sec I was checking my email for another address...:bugeyed...I'm not on
:thinking: you're the're good with preparing lessons and stuff...I only learn :D
Me gusta el video de Jacob! :wild:

Me gusta mucho Slave To The Rhythm! :woohoo:
haha I knew it wasn't right...there's no difference in English but in Romanian there is :smarty: just didn't know how to say it :D


:puke: Îl urăsc pe Eminem:puke: :puke: :puke:
Still downloading :bomb: 15 min left!

Odio mi conexión :angry: (I hate...)
:wild: Odo = ur?sc = I hate :wild:

ok well don't worry bout it...I'm watching csi and checking mjjc every few minutes so I won't get bored :)

Me gusta CSI :D Which one? Miami, LV, NY?

10 min left :bomb: