The last one to post is Michael's number 1 fan!

aaaaa I'm gonna kill this guy...lemme just get my hands on him...:rant: his stupid song is stuck in my head...why did I ever listen to it???? :rant:
yeah but it doesn't help...still stuck in my head...all I can hear "I'm not lovin' you/ The way I wanted to" :rant: it's annoying :girl_tantrum: and all those effects are killing my brain
well then you're lucky cuz I'm going all the way to Denmark for that :D
I just want him to see how much I care about him...I usually don't give ppl the honor of coming all the way to their place to kill them :D

sth like this:

"My name is Pedro the killer, I kill everyone for two pesos, but because you are my friend, I kill you for nothing" :lmao:
you should hear dad say it with a funny accent :toofunny: