The last one to post is Michael's number 1 fan!

I already got the PM. :D ... Where shall I pronounce the winner? :shifty:
I asked "where" and you say "yep". :lol:


I write you both a PM. :D ... I guess you don't know which picture is first and which is second, right? :unsure:
No, not yet. :p Maybe later today. Or even tomorrow. :p We have some guests today. :lol:
Yep. :p

I'm trying to learn Rest In Peace on the guitar and the verse is simple, but the chorus. :bugeyed I don't even know half of those chords. :rofl:
Of my failures? :rofl: Wow, I've never been so envied before. :rofl:
Yes. I am trying and failing. :p

And I really never thought there was much to envy about me. :no: I wouldn't even want to be me. :rofl:
For a while at lest, but if you play consistently, in about a week or two, you will have lost feeling in your fingers. :rofl: And you will only have blood as an indicator of when you should stop for the day. :rofl:
I kid you not. :lol: And then, after another week or so, your fingertips will be hard and you will be able to play for a long time before even feeling anything. :p But if you take a break for longer than a week, you have to go through the whole process again.