The last one to post is Michael's number 1 fan!

But it's so late and I'm so lazy. :lmao: I haven't really eaten all that much today. :bugeyed
I know, me too. :rofl: Fish fingers and custard. :D That's going to be a Doctor-Amy thing forever. :lol:
I don't really like the next episode. It's very... well it makes me cringe. Creepy is not the right word for it. It's just...
Ok. :D It's just that... there are no monsters. Just people and that's... it's awful. :p The episode in itself, is not bad, but the story is...
Neither can I. :D But what I mostly can't wait for is season 5. :girl_tantrum:
I know..neither can's the big return..that's one of the reasons you should watch Angel along with Buffy :rofl:
Yeah... but it goes against my rules and I'm crazy so breaking my rules bothers me very much. :blink:
I'm glad. :lol: Because people usually just call me crazy and move on. :rofl: