The invincible Session on DVD???


What are you talking about??? Did you even read my posts??? I don´t know what you´re talking about. Sorry I don´t understand you but thanks for bumbing the thread.....
SORRY, i thought you were a fan of elvis, and you are right, it should be released on DVD, not internet, i want to OWN the DVD, OWN IT
SORRY, i thought you were a fan of elvis, and you are right, it should be released on DVD, not internet, i want to OWN the DVD, OWN IT

That´s the right spirit. I want a DVD release with 3 hours of Mike in the studio and bonus material with Rodney Jerkings interview-Carlos Santana, Bruce Swedien etc etc.
Just a few clips released on the internet doesn´t do this material any justice.
That´s the right spirit. I want a DVD release with 3 hours of Mike in the studio and bonus material with Rodney Jerkings interview-Carlos Santana, Bruce Swedien etc etc.
Just a few clips released on the internet doesn´t do this material any justice.
I really think that eventually, eventually all Michael material would be available cause is a big market, growing everyday with new people discovering his talent, but they will make us wait, not cause they want to, cause they will make the right moves to gain more money, i can tell that, but it will be released
It will be the 10 years anniversary of invincible in 2011... I'm pretty sure sony will try to do something about that and release some stuff.
It will be the 10 years anniversary of invincible in 2011... I'm pretty sure sony will try to do something about that and release some stuff.

You could be right. I totally forgot about the anniversary thing. Maybe a DVD-CD rerelease with Invincible -unreleased songs and the video of the recording sessions.

But the way do you think people from Sony the Estate etc etc visit MJ boards to find out what MJ fans would like to buy???
The Dangerous Sessions were filmed as well as some of the HIStory Sessions according to Bill Bottrell.

I'd pay $3-$5 grand for a private copy of the Dangerous Sessions on film.
I will pay anything to get Mike recording in the studios or rehearsals. We will be buying This is It? arent we? and going to see the movie!! So what is the difference with his studio recordings?
You guys think MIke would want his fans to act to eachother the way you do now?!
Please people, show some respect!!
For Michael, for Elvis, for every other artist, for all the MJ-fans, for all the Elvis-fans, for all the fans of every other artist and most importantly....for yourself!!
The Dangerous Sessions were filmed as well as some of the HIStory Sessions according to Bill Bottrell.

I'd pay $3-$5 grand for a private copy of the Dangerous Sessions on film.

Really Dangerous Session were filmed??? SOOOO AAAMMMMMMMAAAZIINNNNNNGGG!!!
Free?? Why should it be free?? I would pay 100s of Dollars to get a professional 3 Hour and more DVD with Mike in the Studio recording Invincible-a dream come true!!
-But like all DVDs it will cost about 20 Dollars fine with me as long as the footage contains Mike in the Studio I´m happy.

It was a JOKE! OKAY? I said it because everyone is trying to make a quick buck off of mj it's way to obvious! DUH!
It was a JOKE! OKAY? I said it because everyone is trying to make a quick buck off of mj it's way to obvious! DUH!

I don´t care if everyone is trying to make a quick buck off MJ- as long as the product is good I´ll buy it. I´m in control I can decide if the product deserves my money or not.

A Invincible Session DVD with Mike working on the album deserves my money!

But the This is it Greatest Hits CD -not one penny! I buy only the new song.

So maybe you should better make a joke about the This is it album and say that Sony should release it on the internet for free.
I can say what I want too say too! So slow ya roll! LMAO! Stop acting like someone is attacking u hon. I only responed to the news not u on my orginal post and u took it somewhere else! Keep it MJ not about yourself dear! PEACE!
It will newer be released, becouse sony wants Invincible to be invisible.