The "I Predict..." Thread

I predict you will dance at some point today :sarmoti
^I agree life really is too short all the more reason to appreciate and cherish each day :)

I predict that a decision you had to or have to make may have been hard but it's all for the best in the end :)
I predict a vacation to a tropical destination in your future
I predict you will post below me!
I predict alot of excitement in your day
Hasn't happened yet, but we'll see

I predict something will bring you an unexpected inspiration

I predict that you'll have a vaction that you have always wanted sometime soon.
I predict something happening in your future that will make your heart very happy
I hope it's flowers, maybe I'll stop after work and buy me some today :)

I predict something you thought would be difficult to get through is going to actually be quite easy
I predict a change in the near future for you
I predict someone will make you laugh today
You were right. :)

I predict next week this time all will be well and settled.
I hope so.

I predict... that something which is bothering you will turn out to be not so troublesome after all.
I predict a romantic date in your near future