The "I Predict..." Thread

hmm, nice predictions

I predict you will find something you had lost.

I predict someone will make you smile today
You mean won money? Don't think it will be me...hmm. on second thought maybe I should buy a ticket.

I predict that you will get a phone call shortly
No thank you :mello:


I predict that a higher power is gonna help you get through today with some peace of mind
Is that prediction for you or me?

I predict that you'll figure it out :)
:eek: YOU are correct Dear Sir! (another soothsayer right here in our midst)

I predict that you will see a shooting star soon and your wishes will come true!
I predict that dreams really do come true
I predict You are right too!

I predict that there is going to be a strong change in the comming year. It will be good, but will take lots of adjusting, and take time to fully become what it is meant to.
Did you explode yet?

I predict my toes will get warmer if I put them in socks.. I predict YOURS will too...
Since I am bare footed right now and my toes are froze thats a pretty good prediction :eek: lol

I predict that you will dream about angels tonight
I am eating something that I was thinking needed rice. Does that count? I was thinking of making rice to eat with it but was too hungry and ate it alone.

I predict that someone is wanting to make some tea.
I just have it's brewing lol

I predict that someone that posts in here recently got an invite to a wedding