The HIStory Tour Discussion Thread

I was wondering for quite some time... do you think it's possible that a real original microphone source material of any HIStory concert exists? I mean original recordings from the microphones, all backup singers, Michael, the band... Do you think Michael recorded anything like that and had it in his vaults? They were all singing and playing live. And even though on some concerts Michael seemed to be in top shape - vocally too, they still had to use playback. But he was in fact singing along with the tracks - the mistakes like Scream in Brunei or Thriller in Auckland prove that.

This thought came to my mind after watching some Britney recordings on youtube... it was a mimed performance but somehow someone recorded the original live vocals.

If there are no vocals by Michael I would just love to hear more stuff like that... the band was awesome.
well i just watched the history tour for the first time. i have a collection of different history concerts ( i got that bootlegged dvd set) and i just watched the first half of the korean concert....i'm very disappointed...why did he have to lipsinc so much?? really mike?? :( lol. and why is it so can hardly hear the audiance. there are no edits of the audiance (i LOVE seeing and hearing the audiance)... does anyone know which concert has the best quality for history?...and are there any recordings with audiance edits?.....i LOVED the way the dangerous tour live dvd was....but i don't suppose there's any like that huh?

I'm still wondering this too...I've searched the forum but there are too many threads for this tour....I know he had laryngitis but did it last the whole tour? I'm sure there are many people who know why he lipsynched so much for this tour......anyone??

I used to think his dancing on the Dangerous tour was insanely good, and it is, but look at this! I don't know if its due to the fact that he has more energy because he doesn't sing live, but the dancing here was almost supernatural (and at this point he was nearly 40 years old!!)

Fast forward to 8.27 and watch the remaining two minutes! Tell me that ain't some insane dancing! My jaw dropped like only Michael can make it! :shock:

that is insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks!

I was wondering for quite some time... do you think it's possible that a real original microphone source material of any HIStory concert exists? I mean original recordings from the microphones, all backup singers, Michael, the band... Do you think Michael recorded anything like that and had it in his vaults? They were all singing and playing live. And even though on some concerts Michael seemed to be in top shape - vocally too, they still had to use playback. But he was in fact singing along with the tracks - the mistakes like Scream in Brunei or Thriller in Auckland prove that.

This thought came to my mind after watching some Britney recordings on youtube... it was a mimed performance but somehow someone recorded the original live vocals.

If there are no vocals by Michael I would just love to hear more stuff like that... the band was awesome.

The part I highlighted, that's really interesting, thanks.

that would be I hope it exists...
I think that HIStory was the best tour that Michael did!!! I have downloaded the Munich concert but as I read above that wasn't the best...Can anyone tell me what was the best HIStory concert that I can download???
Okay. I am watching the Munich show. Did they really pull that girl like a rag doll from the crowd and throw her on stage?? I had never seen that before.. I mean I've seen HER before on youtube, but I never saw HOW she got up there. That was insanity right there and absolutely hilarious! :D I know she never thought in her wildest dreams she woulda ended up on stage with MJ. I always thought those girls were preplanned kinda like right before the show.. crazy.
Okay. Sorry this is my first time watching Munich. Poor thing just croaked his way through the end of a really not so great performance of Billie Jean. Seriously I had to rewind, I thought there was a frog on stage or something! No wonder he didn't want this released on DVD. :(

P.S. Yes I know he was sick.. I just wasn't aware of how bad it was until then.... well that's not true, I could tell during WBSS but it got worse after that... Wow.
The HIStory Billie Jean version is so great, I prefer it to the original.

Yes, the Billie Jean live version from The History tour is impeccable!! I've only seen the show in Munich and i loved it! 2 weeks ago was shown on the TCM channel ( latin America) and it was great to see again after so many years. The choreography's are amazing, and who can forget the golden pants?!! Yes he used playback for some of the songs, taking a bit of the fierce of Michael's live singing but meh i dont care. This tour have many touching moments, Mike's magic was all over the place, you can feel the incredible feedback between Michael and the audience. :D
He never brought the HIStory Tour (or the Dangerous Tour, for that matter, to USA or Canada (except for Hawaii which recorded the fastest sellout for an act in that territory) so we never got to see it. I wish he sang live more too and came up with a creative routine/concept for BOTDF. The set list was amazing though. It hurts that he neglected his home territory, although it's understandable.
He never brought the HIStory Tour (or the Dangerous Tour, for that matter, to USA or Canada (except for Hawaii which recorded the fastest sellout for an act in that territory) so we never got to see it. I wish he sang live more too and came up with a creative routine/concept for BOTDF. The set list was amazing though. It hurts that he neglected his home territory, although it's understandable.

did he not? I never knew that... that's unfair to you guys... Why did he do that?
He seemed to not tour in the US much at all, which is really disappointing. Even his final concerts were out of the states. I wonder why he preferred touring everywhere else but here. I mean I understand our media, but quite frankly the concerts are for the fans, not the media, and the US has plenty of MJ fans. Has this ever officially been addressed?