The HIStory Thread.

More info!!!! Sorry for abandoning the thread. :sad:
Hodge is still in awe of Michael Jackson's studio performances.

"HIStory was supposed to be a greatest hits record but Michael recorded so much new material that it ended up being a double album," he says.

The connection to Jam and Lewis came out of a duet that they recorded with Michael and Janet, called 'Scream'.

"I used the AKG The Tube microphone on him for that," he says. "I ran it into the Avalon 737 preamp with the EQ and compressor built in. With Michael, you set the mic and stand back. He moves around incredibly when singing, just like he does on stage. But he has this remarkable knack for getting back precisely on mic in time for the line. He could circle the room and never miss a line. The problem was that the mic would pick up all of the noises he made — finger-snapping, mouth-popping and so on; he's a huge foot-stomper. A lot of the percussion you hear on his records is actually him. What you have to do is build new percussion tracks around his vocal later. You have to augment it rather than try to cover it up."

'HIStory', the title track of Michael Jackson's 1995 greatest hits album, was historic in scope. For the mix Hodge was faced with 192 tracks sprawled over four Sony 3348 48-track digital tape decks. With two studios at Larrabee North studios in Los Angeles holding one pair each of the machines, Hodge chose one as the master deck and ran SMPTE time code to the other three. It took both SSL G-plus consoles to do the mix, which incorporated a full symphony orchestra, two choirs, backing tracks by Boyz 2 Men, scores of Jackson's own vocals and more samples than anyone could keep track of.

"The best part, though, is we had to do the mix in one day," Hodge sighs. "Michael never did anything in a small way."
Recording of the HIStory album starts in a New York recording studio April 12th 1994. Recording takes place in new York City throughout this month. June 8th 1994, Bob Jones confirms Michael had been recording HIStory in various New York recording studios: "working on new material that will appear on a greatest hits album that is hoped will be out this Fall." MJ also visited Shaquille O'Neal between end of April and beginning of June 1994.

After filming the HIStory trailer video in Budapest August 1994, Michael Jackson is back in New York to continue recording HIStory.

Recording moves to Chicago in December 1994 where Michael is working on "You Are Not Alone" with R. Kelly. Confirmed by Bob Jones and Adrian Grant who visited the studio in the Windy City.

23rd February 1995 Michael Hands Over Tapes?

In San Diego on 23rd February, Michael previewed 5 tracks from his forth-coming HIStory Book 1 collection. The exclusive airing of the songs closed Sony's presentation at the National Association of Recording Merchandisers. 4 of the 5 tracks previewed were the much toted 'Earth Song', 'Money', 'They Don't Care About Us' and the eagerly anticipated duet with sister Janet, 'Scream'. After the songs were aired, Michael was given 3 standing ovations and then later presented with the Harold Chapin Humanitarian Award.

Epic Chairman, Dave Glew, later dismissed reports that Michael's HIStory Book 1 was completed, despite news from San Diego that it was. Glew pointed out that the National Association of Recording Merchandisers had only heard portions of the 5 tracks, with some of these being only rough mixes.

HIStory has already missed 3 proposed deadlines and now a Spring release is scheduled for the double 150 minute CD package, although late Summer looks more likely.

Michael was also still recording "They Don't Care About Us" in May 1995 in New York City. Of HIStory's future success, Michael says, "It will be BIG." UK Smash Hits magazine May 1995.

More to come!!!!!
omg i love HIStory its my special album because it was my 1st MJ album!
my mum bought it when it was released and she gave it to me when i became a fan in 2000 at the age of 9, it also has the 1st MJ song i ever heard when i was 4 "Earth Song".

Thanks for the info smoothcriminal12
Wow thanks for the information, I love hearing about the recording process that goes into Michaels classics, the guy is simply amazing!
I saved everything Pompous posted as well.
History was the first album I bought, It begins with Scream and and with Smile. brilliant.
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