The Highlight of Your Day

Well, my mother was feeling ill today so I went to her place to help her out and run some errands for her. So digging really deep, I would say the highlight of my day was coming back to MY own home.
Suz- i hope your mum gets better soon

My highlight of my day would have to be coming on here at mjjc :D
Yeah Mikage I know what's mainly bringing you down, but I'm glad to hear your emotions are being put into a card! :)

Hey did you know, a little bit of sleep deprivation is associated with reduced depression? I don't mean no sleep, but more like less than average amounts of sleep.
Yeah Mikage I know what's mainly bringing you down, but I'm glad to hear your emotions are being put into a card! :)

Hey did you know, a little bit of sleep deprivation is associated with reduced depression? I don't mean no sleep, but more like less than average amounts of sleep.

Yeah, reduced sleep. I vary between insomnia (meaning no sleep at all) and oversleeping (such as sleeping for 14+hours) when I'm feeling rather down. Such as now, which explains how I'm here at 5 AM.
Yeah, reduced sleep. I vary between insomnia (meaning no sleep at all) and oversleeping (such as sleeping for 14+hours) when I'm feeling rather down. Such as now, which explains how I'm here at 5 AM.

Aw man that's horrible... Well, I'm not the best person to be giving advise about sleep anyway, I just thought I'd share a fact that I read a long time ago :p. I actually have a similar problem with insomniac episodes and then phases of oversleeping or lethargy. Which is partly why I wanted to make a thread about the little daily highs in life :better:
I understand, Sharlene. I'll try to be positive... -ponders-

Well, the highlight of my day was listening to Tom Lehrer instead of doing my job! =P
Suz- i hope your mum gets better soon

My highlight of my day would have to be coming on here at mjjc :D

Thank you. Good point about MJJC, although sometimes the general feeling of hostility here doesn't help.

The highlight of my day today was my lunch hour (reading the newspaper and relaxing before returning to work).
Thank you. Good point about MJJC, although sometimes the general feeling of hostility here doesn't help.

The highlight of my day today was my lunch hour (reading the newspaper and relaxing before returning to work).

Yeh the hostility & agruments makes it hard to feel good being on here sometimes.
leaving school early :dancing:

edit: on second thought it's finally solving the Rubik cube :woohoo:
Ditching world civ class--for the third week in a row. =D

Sadly, now it's for a legit. reason. I had to go to the Dr.
I got a This is it DVD as a birthday gift from my aunt. + Man in the mirror DVD..
Let's see...a doctor that appeared on the Dr. Oz show personally returned my phone call. And it's Friday. And the chilly fall weather I love so much returned today after a long week of miserable spring-like temps. Those are my highlights for Friday.:)
:D I love reading these. That's the highlight of my day!

Weeeelllllllllll Ok I've gotta add this late one in too - the other day my brother called to say he got me tickets to Usher's OMG tour. :bounce
Man that was an amazing surprise, I didn't even dream of going. It's in the front standing section too! :wild: Oh how I love my bro, he's the bestest :woohoo:
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