The Hello Goodbye thread

You say yes, I say no
You say stop, and I say go go go, oh
Oh no
You say goodbye and I say hello! :D
Im alright except for this dumb puter! whap!
whos watching you? :eek:
other than that Im stressed and um yeah
and yourself? haha

Grrrrr I'm gonna come in there and tell your computer a thang or two :lol:
Big Brother's watchin' :ninja: *shifty eyed*
Bahh Hang in there Poe :flowers: *Hugs* Things will get better
don't let the stress make you sick ya hear? lol
I'm alright mad at these conference people!
They make the possibility of "mentally socking" people a reality.. I wish I could HAHA they deserve it *double WHAP*
LOL whos they? you being paranoid or something? Looks left then right um?
runs away screaming!

Hello Paranoia!!
They be them, thats who they is :ninja:
*stares with large eyes* O__O! they are everywhere O__O!
*covers head with blanket*
LOL slowly walks away in the bushes? eh?
whispers dont say Bush Lil miss will be giddy!
you know? Georgie? haha

Oh snap... I wondered why she always was at the State of Cowboy hats *coughtexascough* gettin' her Georgie lovin' I knew it...
Oh come on!

I can't even mention a Bush anymore?


Oh hey poe... I heard Oprah's single!? *Jabs you in the ribs* she may even throw a crucifix at your unawares tibia!


*Runs away screaming*

BI you be my buckin' bronto then! :lol:
What a coinkidinky.

Sorta sounds like Oprah that doesn't it?

poe is besotted, clearly.