The Greatest Cover Version Ever......DEBBIE ROW Singing Beat It AAAAAAAAH

Hopefully this can kill the vision some girls have that you need to be a freaking Victoria's Secret model to be adored.
Well I also hope some girls won't take it too serious when they watch that vid and feel they gotta look like that to be adored.....:lmao:

Anyhow, friggin' awesome vid.....she's on the looooose man!
Laughing my ass offf! :lol:
Well I also hope some girls won't take it too serious when they watch that vid and feel they gotta look like that to be adored.....:lmao:

Haha, touché
Soooooooo funny!! I'm laughing so hard, my side hurts!! :lmao: Thank you for the link!!! :D

Lol! I love how they explain what karaoke is too!

No matter how 'serious' or 'shy' you are Michael makes you get up and sing & dance!

So true....I can be extremely shy, but I'll get up and sing Michael's songs anytime and anywhere. Although probably not in front of MJ himself. ;)
lmfao! omg hahahah that made my day!

omg her skirt >.< it looks like a drape wrapped around her body. :lol:
Hehe that is what is great with Michael though, you never knew what kind of girls he was pushing up on :D
Hopefully this can kill the vision some girls have that you need to be a freaking Victoria's Secret model to be adored.
That IS why he was so great--the most un-superficial person in the world.

I trust that the kids will take after Michael in the fashion/dancing/singing department. :lmao: