The great irony of Michael Jackson

"down to earth" is how those who know him or met him often describe him. he is larger than life to us. in how he is, how he "relates" to others, seems to be recognized by those who know him as down to earth. i think that's cool.
Michael had a proper upbringing. His mother taught him right. You can be the biggest star in the world, but only your mother can teach you to be down to earth. lol

It didn`t surprise me at all that he is down to earth. I would think that a person of his stature, would HAVE to be humble to survive as long as he has in this buisness.

Remember when Liz Taylor said back in the 80`s, that Michael was going to be a stayer. She was SO right.
LOL... no butt kissing zone... a touch of reality might be refreshing tho. agrees with K.O.S.
And you say you're a fan. Reading your post like the above got me wondering what type of fan you have been for all these years.

Mmm kay, so someone who can look at the man without needing to worship and defend his every move is a different "type" of fan?
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Mmm kay, so someone who can look at the man without needing to worship and defend his every move is a different "type" of fan?
Did you even read what Puffy wrote? You sound like many of us in this thread blindly "worship and defend his every move" as apposed to Puffy, which is not the case at all. I believe everyone is speaking the way they honestly feel, but there's a line that shouldn't be crossed in the fan community.

Oh yeah such lack of understanding shown in the post makes someone a different type of fan, I think so. So many kinds of fans under the category of "MJ fan".

I get mad at the logic behind the puffy's post, which is basically the same thing behind all the media hate on a super-successful black man/artist. Don't forget that so many black successful black people have been treated bad in every possible way. One of the tactics they have used against him is make him look "abnormal" and "out of touch" while they rarely point their finger at white artists doin crazy sh*t.
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what the ish is 'normal' anyway? can you be so bland enough to brand yourself normal?

i think this topic is more to do with Mike's demeanor as a social person (as unanimously portrayed by third parties), rather than his superficial status as a citizen (in which case would put him in an obviously unique position).

i love it when personally frustrated folk who love to think they're bigger than the community they participate in, come in and preach some "anti-fanatical" ish just for the sake of sounding anti-fanatic. the logic there can be and usually is just as embarrassing as the radical fans on the opposite end.

drop the agenda, damn...
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, lol..
mjcool, "interesting" post. Why do you say "I love it," but yet bring up such seemingly negative things? Just wondering.

In households of poverty and in many "traditional" cultures, it's common for adults and children to share sleeping arrangements. U.S. culture in many ways is over-sexualized (using sexuality/appeal to sell products, as just one example.) The harm to children is in the minds of some of the public, but as Michael has said many times, not in HIS mind or actions.

Many, many celebrities, both men and women, wear makeup in public and have had plastic surgery.

There are other male celebrities who have had/now have, long hair. In some cultures, long hair on men is a sign of masculinity or cultural identity (Native American, for one example).

Tree-climbing? Many male adults (and female, too) play touch-football, basketball, and other sports. I see nothing unusual about an adult climbing a tree. I've done it, as an adult.

"Normal" cannot possibly apply to the most recognizable person on earth. Michael is in an entirely different category, if only because of his fame. He cannot do "normal" things such as shopping in a grocery store, taking an outdoor hike, and so on. The surgical mask? I'd expect he just gets sick and tired of being photographed and then having his appearance picked apart.

And in terms of if I saw a non-celebrity doing these things? I would not "run away." I'm very accepting of human differences and self-expression. I have several male friends with long hair. I also know men who wear make-up sometimes, and so on. As long as a person is not harming anyone through his/her differences, well, I find that self-expression adds to the richness of diversity. . . .

Carry on,

what the ish is 'normal' anyway? can you be so bland enough to brand yourself normal?

i think this topic is more to do with Mike's demeanor as a social person (as unanimously portrayed by third parties), rather than his superficial status as a citizen (in which case would put him in an obviously unique position).

i love it when personally frustrated folk who love to think they're bigger than the community they participate in, come in and preach some "anti-fanatical" ish just for the sake of sounding anti-fanatic. the logic there can be and usually is just as embarrassing as the radical fans on the opposite end.

drop the agenda, damn...

You sir took the words right out of my mouth and managed to hit both nails on the head. One nail being the fact that some people cannot stay on topic, and the other nail being our frustrated friends with the ego problems.

As some have so cleverly already pointed out, being "normal" and being "down to earth" are two very different things, perhaps those of you struggling with the difference could make use of a dictionary as opposed to looking for an oppourtunity to push your little agendas upon the rest of those here who are making quality conversation.
what the ish is 'normal' anyway? can you be so bland enough to brand yourself normal?

i think this topic is more to do with Mike's demeanor as a social person (as unanimously portrayed by third parties), rather than his superficial status as a citizen (in which case would put him in an obviously unique position).

i love it when personally frustrated folk who love to think they're bigger than the community they participate in, come in and preach some "anti-fanatical" ish just for the sake of sounding anti-fanatic. the logic there can be and usually is just as embarrassing as the radical fans on the opposite end.

drop the agenda, damn...

You've pointed this out so well again, I'm really happy you're back on the board! ;)
But let me add, I observe it's often not only just for the sake of being fanatical... it's also for the sake of a huge need of attention and the non ability to even recognize while when you observe it gets usually obvious in the first ten posts if not less.
Maybe just for these cases we should not only define 'down to earth' and 'normal' but also the term of 'arrogance'?!

Back to the topic... Michael wouldn't point high on that scale of arrogance at least not as high as the 'normal rank' probably would be I think cuz he just has not this eternal need of judging anyone into these categories... he even refuses to when lead into that direction in interviews. I wish that would be more common and that's why then probably deserve the term 'normal' behavior... but yet I have to agree with Vic... most categories simply can't apply to him! And there's no need to put him into any I think. It is so easy: just decide you like him cuz of xyz or you don't cuz of xyz, accept everyone for deciding it on their very personal own and then enjoy life!

I tend to agree with the very first post though... although then again I have to remind myself that in fact I don't know Michael Jackson personally... but yeah I'd like to! lol so yes as I said... I tend to agree.
^^ Yes, but when cleaning a thread all comments replying to one that was deleted are deleted as well, otherwise they just don't make sense anymore :)

Plese carry on the positive discussion as this is a very nice thread for a change.
Congratulations for your post :) .Y I also tell you that I have to think about how hard it is humble and Michael, one of these reasons are what led me to become the unconditional follower of him that I am now. I was very amazed at her beautiful personality and professionalism. Michael deserves more respect from those who are not fans of him, they really do not have the slightest idea of the wonderful person God sent to earth.
I haven't even begun to read all the posts in this thread, but what the author states is really very true. And it IS so very easy for a person to get a big head when they know how good they are and how popular they are. It is exactly that which brings them down in the end, after such a short period of time.

Let me tell this story about me personally, as an example. The past few weeks have been very exciting. A popular singer discovered me and invited me to join him on a national tour. He said he has never had any trouble packing a house (which was obvious why), and nearly all shows have been sold out, and they number in the thousands. People go absolutely nuts over him almost everywhere he goes. He needed me to audition for him, and so yesterday that's exactly what I did. Now some of you know that I didn't start doing my music on a professional level until last summer. So to be invited to do something like this, after only a few months, was astounding. Anyway, this whole past week I have been sick with a cold, congested, etc. But I practiced for the audition, anyway (I've performed in much worse condition). So I did the audition, cold and all, and much to my surprise everyone, including him, was impressed right off the bat and told me I was very, very good, and the best they've ever had with perform with them, and they've had hundreds. I was like, um, okay, well thank you. I honestly felt I wasn't doing that great. But over and over again they said these things to me, but I've never felt I was terribly good. What I KNOW is that I have a nice voice and people like it and I enjoy making music. But yesterday, after so many compliments, it was all I could do to hold my ground and not get a big head about it. Today even, I don't feel I did nearly as well as I could have and the compliments were very humbling.

A big part of it is my faith, because it isn't me, it's God. Now, as soon as a person begins to think it is through their own self, and not through God's gift, that they are so hot and good and famous and all, is the moment they start going down. Most of the people who have had longevity in their careers have had a lot of faith in God and would give Him credit for what they could do. Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Sammy Davis Jr., and many many others don't/didn't attribute their talents to their own power. I don't know about Elvis later on, but I know that most of his career he gave it to God and had a lot of faith. For Michael to keep level-headed is simply because of that very thing. Even so, it takes a LOT of strength from God to keep it from going to his head and getting all puffed up. He's no doubt had his moments, and I know I've had my moments, but to be honest, having the knowledge that yes, you really are good after all, is the driving force behind making more and getting even better. There's the feeling of wanting to please the people who like what you do. Do you know what I mean?

Now over the next year, as I tour, I will be put to the test. I know it in my bones. It'll either make or break me. And who knows? Hopefully some of you will be out there in the audience cheering me on, lol if you're not going crazy over the main attraction!