The great irony of Michael Jackson


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Now what I'm saying I'm basing on the footage I've seen and interviews I've seen of Michael speaking, and I've seen countless. Of course I have never met the man, boy would I love to though.

I think it is an incredible irony that MJ is portrayed as an eccentric figure. From the interviews I have seen, Michael seems to me like the MOST down to earth person I could ever meet. The dude loves the simple things in life, and his idea of fun is so pure.

It is so ironic that you have thousands of stars and wannabe stars absolutely lose their minds at first glance of fame. And Michael, the biggest superstar in the world - and he knows it - somehow keeps grounded. He's had his tribulations, but he has prevailed and risen above it all. He is intelligent, doesn't lose himself in the wacky world of showbiz even though he is so familiar to it.

I find it extraordinary that a man of his stature is so down to earth. Have you ever thought to yourself the amazing strength of character Michael has.

A genius of this calibre who is fundamentally level-headed is so very rare. If anyone else had to fill his shoes I think many would've collapsed somewhere along the line. What a champ. Can't wait for the new era Mike.
:) nice post. I really don't know what else I could add but wanted to thank you for the good post. (I can't wait either)
Good post man, and very true. It's funny because you see people not even half as famous or successful or talented as Michael who are so egotistical that they refer to themselves in the 3rd person or they act as though they find themselves to be the coolest thing since sliced bread. Pop stars who have been in the business for less then five years who act that way. I wont name any names, but I think most here know who I'm referring to. Michael knows how talented he is, he knows how famous he is and what he's accomplished, you can see it in his eyes. But he never even talks about it. He rarely even makes reference to it excepting when he's speaking about how people have tried to tear him down and pointing that out as the cause. I've never heard Michael talk about what a brilliant vocalist he is, or dancer, or songwriter, or how he can beatbox with the best of them, or about how he's the most famous person in modern history, etc... Or even go in to detail about the mechanics and techniqual side of his talent. He doesn't brag, and he treats other people as though they were equal to him. That's pretty astonishing. Because in my view, if anyone has the right to be big headed and proud, it's Michael Jackson. But he doesn't exude any of that. And it's true they want to label him as eccentric and weird, simply because they cannot relate to him or where he is coming from. People become conditioned by society and the world around them to the point in which anything which doesn't fit in or gel with what their values and norms are is deemed strange. The thing is, the values Michael holds, the way he approaches things and views things is so much more real then theirs. They're just too caught up in the artificial world built around us to realize that.
To endure the obstacles that MJ has had in his life, is a real testament to just how strong of a character he has. :)
Great post, I Feel Good.

I'm always impressed how down to earth Michael actually is, and he never talks about how much of a genius etc. Michael always seems greatful to have such a large and loyal fan base which also shows how grounded Michael is. Michael also always talks about improving what he does, with him being such a perfectionist. Also just look at the fan events Michael has attended, no other music icon or lesser pop stars would attended to be with their fans.

One of the things I think keeps Michael grounded is that he sees his career as a job, and his private life as private. You never see Michael at movie premieres, and appearing on talk shows or talking about every aspect of his life and parading his children in front of the media like Madonna. These are many things which makes Michael such a grounded person.
Great post, and good point also :yes:

I have nothing to add on that matter, since I think everyone here said it all already,

but I would also like to comment on something else...

The media and other people are always calling him creepy, ugly, crazy, and basically making people believe he is some kind of monster (not because of the accusations of abuse, but about his appearance)...
and if you think about it...he's always so well-dressed, ellegant, and normal, there's nothing that extraordinary about his appearance, except the fact that he's changed, and some people still didnt get used to it or dont accept it...
If you look at some popstars today its a completely different thing...women look like hoes and those rappers with their extra-large baggy pants showing their toosh off, no shirt, big shiny pendants and those grills (like I said on the thread about T-pain)...those people look like clowns from a freak show... how come Michael is the creepy one? He is still a beautiful man, and very normal and ellegant on his appearance,...but I guess some people were blinded by the media...thats a shame that it takes more than normal eye sight to see his beauty... :no:
Nice post.

Yeah, just look at all the young stars, getting addiction problems, alcohol problems, Sure mike had a very short periode in 1993, but considering what was going on and how quick he came on top of the world again, it's simply amaxing!
He sure is a very strong man!
Jackson's concept of behaviour is about equality.

If he meets with a backstage worker, or hotel personnel, or even famous "Harlem toilet cleaner", he is equally polite and patient as he would towards other people which could be of caliber of kings or presidents.

If he hears music that he thinks suits better for his album than whatever of his own, then he just takes it, pushing his own work away (often fans would argue that his own compositions, that he has put off, were not actually weaker, or, maybe, were stronger than others form other composers he chose instead).

I personally, not being even of the tiniest portion of Jackson's scale, have sometimes struggling myself, giving people equal respect, not depending on who they are. My salvation is that I am aware of this lack in may character, so I try to be as fair as possible -- consciously, with mind's effort, at least.

And Michael is naturally good in so many personal qualities, where I lack. In fact, he is unique as person in probably no less degree than in the field of creative genius.
You know, I have to say I think if Michael looked like he did during the thriller era there would only be about a fraction of the rumors out there. What I'm trying to say is why is it that Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan are given chance after chance and considered to be getting their careers on track when they are the real messes? It is all about good looks, that is how shallow the media is. Michael is still fit and definitely looks younger than most fifty year olds but in the eyes of the general public, most have not turned on him because of scandal or rumors. They would fully let that all slide if he looked the way they wished he did and acted like an arrogant star with a woman on each arm at an event every weekend.
No matter how he would look, he would not avoid car accident that lead him to know Chandler family.

And if he would not have vitiligo, then still he would not refuse to help Arvizos.

So lets not move the weight for what happened from real causes to things like Michael having vitiligo or not (nose was already done by "Thriller" time, so we could only guess about vitiligo in the line of your idea).
I know that's true but I somewhat doubt they would have been so quick to make fun of him or crucify him during that time. Look at some of the scandals others have had where people let it slide or don't talk much about it but if it happens to Michael it's a field day.
It's Michael's generous nature and differing perception which has caused the vast majority of his trouble in life, not his appearance. People use his plastic surgery as an excuse for why they attack and are afraid of him, but it is not the cause. Their inability to understand and relate to him is, as is their willingness to take advantage of his kindness, even if it means stepping all over him.
:) i like your post. he does seem to be very down to earth doesn't he? i was struck in lwmj when he was talking about the importance of the family sitting down together at the dinner table together for meals that in addition to his taste for nostalgic entertainment like old hollywood and music, that he seems to have an old fashioned way about him, which considering the environment he's been exposed to is pretty amazing and interesting. his folks did a real good job of instilling values in all the family. all of them seem to me to have that same quality. a kinda reverence for days gone by.
Nice thread IFeelGood. This is a feel-good thread. I dig all the posts here. Y'all already said so many great things, so I don't have much to add.

I'm just thinkin of a maxim from....can't remeber who said it and exactly what it was, so I'm paraphrasing it: "Give power to a person, then you'll see a true personality comin out of him/her." Ain't this perfectly fit what we're talkin about here?

Even before I started diggin his music and could call myself a "fan", I always had respect for his character and personality. This drew me closer to him even at that time and made me feel like I wanted to give him a hug.

IMO, his humbleness is a combination of a part of who he is and what he's made conscious efforts to maintain.
I'm still also trying to figure out how they are gonna try to justify calling him "white" basically purposely denouncing him of being black.
Great post, and good point also :yes:

I have nothing to add on that matter, since I think everyone here said it all already,

but I would also like to comment on something else...

The media and other people are always calling him creepy, ugly, crazy, and basically making people believe he is some kind of monster (not because of the accusations of abuse, but about his appearance)...
and if you think about it...he's always so well-dressed, ellegant, and normal, there's nothing that extraordinary about his appearance, except the fact that he's changed, and some people still didnt get used to it or dont accept it...
If you look at some popstars today its a completely different thing...women look like hoes and those rappers with their extra-large baggy pants showing their toosh off, no shirt, big shiny pendants and those grills (like I said on the thread about T-pain)...those people look like clowns from a freak show... how come Michael is the creepy one? He is still a beautiful man, and very normal and ellegant on his appearance,...but I guess some people were blinded by the media...thats a shame that it takes more than normal eye sight to see his beauty... :no:
soo true! :clapping: vbmenu_register("postmenu_1667740", true);
mjcool, "interesting" post. Why do you say "I love it," but yet bring up such seemingly negative things? Just wondering.

In households of poverty and in many "traditional" cultures, it's common for adults and children to share sleeping arrangements. U.S. culture in many ways is over-sexualized (using sexuality/appeal to sell products, as just one example.) The harm to children is in the minds of some of the public, but as Michael has said many times, not in HIS mind or actions.

Many, many celebrities, both men and women, wear makeup in public and have had plastic surgery.

There are other male celebrities who have had/now have, long hair. In some cultures, long hair on men is a sign of masculinity or cultural identity (Native American, for one example).

Tree-climbing? Many male adults (and female, too) play touch-football, basketball, and other sports. I see nothing unusual about an adult climbing a tree. I've done it, as an adult.

"Normal" cannot possibly apply to the most recognizable person on earth. Michael is in an entirely different category, if only because of his fame. He cannot do "normal" things such as shopping in a grocery store, taking an outdoor hike, and so on. The surgical mask? I'd expect he just gets sick and tired of being photographed and then having his appearance picked apart.

And in terms of if I saw a non-celebrity doing these things? I would not "run away." I'm very accepting of human differences and self-expression. I have several male friends with long hair. I also know men who wear make-up sometimes, and so on. As long as a person is not harming anyone through his/her differences, well, I find that self-expression adds to the richness of diversity. . . .

Carry on,

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mjcool, "interesting" post. Why do you say "I love it," but yet bring up such seemingly negative things? Just wondering.


Sleeping with little boys in one bed
that kinda ruined it because you make the obvious comment of an hater. at least drop the little lol
Elusive, yeah, "little boys" does not sound respectful. All the points brought up were negative in the eyes of at least some of the public. This has been a positive thread, so can we please continue that trend?


Now what I'm saying I'm basing on the footage I've seen and interviews I've seen of Michael speaking, and I've seen countless. Of course I have never met the man, boy would I love to though.

I think it is an incredible irony that MJ is portrayed as an eccentric figure. From the interviews I have seen, Michael seems to me like the MOST down to earth person I could ever meet. The dude loves the simple things in life, and his idea of fun is so pure.

It is so ironic that you have thousands of stars and wannabe stars absolutely lose their minds at first glance of fame. And Michael, the biggest superstar in the world - and he knows it - somehow keeps grounded. He's had his tribulations, but he has prevailed and risen above it all. He is intelligent, doesn't lose himself in the wacky world of showbiz even though he is so familiar to it.

I find it extraordinary that a man of his stature is so down to earth. Have you ever thought to yourself the amazing strength of character Michael has.

A genius of this calibre who is fundamentally level-headed is so very rare. If anyone else had to fill his shoes I think many would've collapsed somewhere along the line. What a champ. Can't wait for the new era Mike.

very true. nice said!
because i guess u dont get the way the wording is used. or who uses that type of wording in the first place
because i guess u dont get the way the wording is used. or who uses that type of wording in the first place

No, I know! I just think that's there's nothing wrong with that.Michael have explained what beautiful thing is to share your bed with someone.And it is!When I watched the Living with Mj Documentary I almost Cried.But I understand where the problem is.
Now what I'm saying I'm basing on the footage I've seen and interviews I've seen of Michael speaking, and I've seen countless. Of course I have never met the man, boy would I love to though.

I think it is an incredible irony that MJ is portrayed as an eccentric figure. From the interviews I have seen, Michael seems to me like the MOST down to earth person I could ever meet. The dude loves the simple things in life, and his idea of fun is so pure.

It is so ironic that you have thousands of stars and wannabe stars absolutely lose their minds at first glance of fame. And Michael, the biggest superstar in the world - and he knows it - somehow keeps grounded. He's had his tribulations, but he has prevailed and risen above it all. He is intelligent, doesn't lose himself in the wacky world of showbiz even though he is so familiar to it.

I find it extraordinary that a man of his stature is so down to earth. Have you ever thought to yourself the amazing strength of character Michael has.

A genius of this calibre who is fundamentally level-headed is so very rare. If anyone else had to fill his shoes I think many would've collapsed somewhere along the line. What a champ. Can't wait for the new era Mike.

I agree.:D

When I saw that special LWMJ, I saw Michael in a whole new light. I always knew he was like me, very self-sacrificing and sensitive when it came to the needs of others. I saw videos of him going door-to-door doing the Lords work years ago. When I saw LWMJ, I saw Michael Jackson as a very sensitive, self-sacrificing person willing to put his heart out to help a boy with supposed cancer. I saw someone who really was there for that person in need. I didn't see a person who was willing to take advantage of someone else. I saw someone who had the true meaning of God within him, willing to open his home up to a family in crisis.

You see, what happened to MJ was the ultimate cruelty. Not only did this family take advantage of his generosity, and his willingness to open his heart to a child in need, but they pulled the ultimate travesty on MJ by not only turning their cheek to him and accuse him but also try to seek money for supposed "crimes". This was really the ultimate betrayal. I can understand why MJ doesn't really want to do much in the public eye anymore. When you have been betrayed like that, it really must hurt a lot. The one time you let your guard down and let someone come into your heart and soul like that, and that person hurting you like that must have been completely awful for him. I can see now why he moved out of the US too during that horrible time. People were and are still so willing to label him something he is not. And that is truly a tragedy too.
so yeah, reading through this thread I was agreeing SO MUCH with what (almost) all of you said! He is truly an amazing man, and the points that you all brought up are amazing...I'm gonna come back and quotes some of them!!!!
This is why I love MJJC so much. We are the people who took the time to get to KNOW the man, and not base our opinions on the national enquirer. lol. I think it means alot that we are able to look past some people's ignorant opinions and learn things for ourselves.
thank you for the comments i said something wrong i guess.. let me say something to make it positive lol
however i understand you ppl and i understand michael's behaviour cause he just cant have a normal life, they took his childhood etc. But he is a strong person and everything he does he does right, hes intelligent, a good businessman and he would never hurt someone, he has a good heart im sure
if every one was like michael the world would be a better place thats what i really think !
But in my opinion he is just not that down to earth, but i only know him from distance!

Folks, just a reminder that we are not going there. You KNOW what I mean. This has been a wonderful, positive thread and we are not going to veer off-topic with a discussion of sleeping arrangements or negative terminologies. "Sleeping with young boys" was out of line, and I was gentle about that. I think that now we can move forward, and thanks.

Please read the first post and respond to THAT. Great thread.

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