Very thorough reply^^
I actually like to discuss this with you, because in some ways I agree with you while I disagree with your faith in a "true" capitalist system.
Discussing things on this level is also a chance to test your own beliefs, because you have to try to make a solid argument.
I will be back with a reply, but I am a bit busy today.
I just wanted to say that if one takes away the "labels" it makes you define what you percieve the label contains. A lot of times people do not understand eatchother simply due to different understanding of terms like socialist, marxist, conservative, liberal, capitalist etc....
So I do think its good to establish a common ground of understanding the different terms.
I have grown up in a society influenced by socialist politics. And I find that many of the influences from that political side has created a society in wich I think most people have a fair chance of having a good life.
There are also quite a lot that I am not that happy with, but in general its a pretty safe, stable and secure society.
One of the very good things is that our natural resources is regarded as something that should benefit all people. So all of the money earned by oil and gas is put in a fund, and its established as a rule that we can not use more then 4% of this eatch year. The rest is saved for future generations.
If this fortune had been privatised we could potentially be in the same situation as a lot of african countries, with a lot of natural resources that only benefit a few.
This is just one example of politics as a tool, and the difference it makes.
Politics for me is about both the practical consequenses for the people, and about ideology. But being a practical person, I tend to look at what may be achieved by implementing different types of ideology.
In comparison with a different political systems, I prefer the mix of capitalist and socialist systems. Because then you have two forces keeping eatchother in check. In some ways you are right when you say that the social democratic systems need capitalism. But defining capitalism as the system where people earn money by performing services or producing goods may be to simple. In all societies there has always been people that has made profit by their work, but the society they have done this in has not nessecarily been defined as capitalistic. It might bee good to remember that this ideas and systems are very new in human history, and should not ( in my opinion) be defined as something static or self evident in any way. The idustrialised modern way of organicing society tend to be seen as the only real option, and are taken for granted. This is what I mean by "habitual thinking". We tend to take todays situation for granted, while if we look at history it teach us that things change, sometimes drastically in just a few generations.
Leaving the power to a free market, or to the government solely is in my opinion a bad idea. I also have a different view on restrictions or " limits". I think its the frustration of having limits, and the constant "battle" of forces that leads to innovation and new ways of thinking. Complete freedom is not a desirable state, because we are as social beings dependent on others. This dependency means that we will never bee completely "free" to do whatever we want. The goal of complete individual freedom is also a fairly new ideal. I am not saying its a bad thing- just that in a historical view its new.
In regards to capitalist thinking leading to innovation this might not be true. If we leave the political world and terms for a while and go into social science and research on creativity and innovation, new research shows that the incentive rarely is based on monetary rewards. In fact- the tendency to use bonuses as a way to encourage people to be innovative tends to lead people in to the short sighted, and "safe" or proven path. This comes from research done by Theresa Amabile, who have followed a large number of people 12 years, and concluded that there are many myths about innovation that needs to be adressed.
I will be back with more ( warning!!
But I realy recommend people to read about different types of research, and get information about different views.
I have a very annoying friend who always reads all the info he can get on things he disagree with, and gets people totally confused because he knows more about "their" opinion.
He say its also his way of question himself, and keep his mind awake and "fresh".
I do think its time to leave the "old" terms, and instead start to look at things form a different and new perspective. Thats what I mean with fun:yes:
Its the right time to start to do it, because the old systems have failed.
The results from communist countries, and from the current financial crisis shows that we need new ideas, and new thougths. But then we also need to leave the security of lables and old systems.