The future of this board and MJ's online fan community.

Any word from Gaz on his plans for this board?

I don't know of any other MJ boards on the net which are as popular as this one. It'd be such a shame if this board closed.
I know i'm mostly echoing here, but I have been a Michael Jackson fan for 9 years and it's not going to change. I love MJJC, and love to share memories and just talk to other fans. I think that I talk about Michael less than I did when I was a new fan, but I think about him every day and visit the forum almost as regularly. I admire him, although as a christian I know that he was human. He made mistakes. God needed him in heaven and took him after almost 51 short years, but he's made the fan community closer than ever (that's how I feel anyway).

In short, I'd like to say a massive thank you to Gaz and the mods for this board who are so devoted to making MJJC a friendly place like no other. I have seen many old friends leave over the last year, and I just wish that everyone would accept 'new' fans into the fold; the forum is bound to change, to evolve; we need to move forward as a family and not become exclusive.
Definately. I don't believe Madonna fans or Beatles fans feel what we feel. I know outsiders may think it's just obsessive fandom, but there is something different between Michael and his fans. It was on a deeper level and it still is. I still feel it today - infact, I feel it more now than I did when he was alive. It only gets stronger as time goes by.

Well said and I agree 100%.

I really hope MJJC keeps going for years and years to come. To me this is like a second home and I really mean it. In real life, I don't have any friends who are as big fans as me so this is literally the only place where I can talk about MJ without being told that I'm too obsessed or something. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have this place. I know there's other boards but honestly the athmosphere isn't the same as here, at least that's my opinion. I feel the most comfortable right here and I don't want to lose my MJJC family!
It's obvious that the board is quieter than last year but at least there's still "a few" of us who come and post, and hopefully it stays so. I also hope that some of the old posters would come back, I sometimes wonder what they're doing and it would be nice to have them back here..

But even though if I someday have to let MJJC go :)() of course I would still have Michael in my heart and keep his legacy alive by telling my nieces and nephews about him etc. I will never stop michaeling. I laugh at my old writings in my diary from the time when I became a fan where I write that "I will never stop listening MJ I love him so much" and tons of hearts in the end :D It makes me so proud to be an MJ fan. Yeah..

I wonder if we'll still be here when we're like 80 :lol:
Well wouldn't that be awesome :rofl:
The reality is I could talk about Michael till I am blue in the face. Everything from the music, to the man, to his incredible life and his brilliant eccentricities inspire and fascinate me more than words can express.

You stated just how i feel, exactly the way i feel

Will i ever be here? well friend as long as i live, yes, i love the man,

and there is a mistery on him, like somethings i just cant seem to completely understand, HIS COMPLEXITY JUST GOT ME HERE ALL THE TIME, (well the time I got for free)

I'll never become uninterested in Michael. He means too much to me, and yes it is different from other fan/celebrity relationships. He just inspires so much. I look up to him. I want to keep his legacy alive and follow in his footsteps, if only a little bit. It's because of the impact he made on the world, how he touched and helped everyone in their lives, that makes him so different. He's like a modern day prophet. Everyone can learn from what he came here to teach people.
My life is forever changed.

Is his complexity on ALL LEVELS OF HIM the one that gets me soooo interested, because he was just genius, i love to examinate him, he was not like other artists, he was Genius level, geniuses are hard to describe sometmes, and i always want to know MORE, with every old new story of him, what inspired him to be the way he was, i mean im fascinated and this is since 2001... my fascination seems to only grow, like when i read his interviews.... im mesmerized

And his ways changed my way of living FOREVER, i learnt to be the best, and give ONLY THE BEST, like a search for perfection, like him, he 's teached me that, and even though is tough, i know that whenever i do things i'll do them the BEST

Well, in one word, Michael is ADICTIVE to me :lol:
Any word from Gaz on his plans for this board?

I don't know of any other MJ boards on the net which are as popular as this one. It'd be such a shame if this board closed.

I think MJJC is in need of donations.

I hope it doesn't have to close.
i believe mj's fanbase has proven that you can't let go of that kind of magic, no matter what. They have inspired the biggest envy, from outsiders, in history. To the point, where we are looked at as bad people, in order to make the outsiders feel better about themselves.

But i have to tell you, that no matter what other fans may feel in the future..that doesn't affect me. Mj has made my life better. And i'm never letting go of that. I feel there are enough others that feel like me, though. Everybody needs someone to look up to, no matter what they say. There are a lot of worse people that can be looked up to, than michael jackson. Michael's beautiful legacy is secure.

Perfectly said.
Definately. I don't believe Madonna fans or Beatles fans feel what we feel. I know outsiders may think it's just obsessive fandom, but there is something different between Michael and his fans. It was on a deeper level and it still is. I still feel it today - infact, I feel it more now than I did when he was alive. It only gets stronger as time goes by.
I agree !! :clapping:
Definately. I don't believe Madonna fans or Beatles fans feel what we feel. I know outsiders may think it's just obsessive fandom, but there is something different between Michael and his fans. It was on a deeper level and it still is. I still feel it today - infact, I feel it more now than I did when he was alive. It only gets stronger as time goes by.

Very true. And I don't expect other artists' fans to understand it because I'm at a loss myself on how and why Michael has affected me to the extent that he has. I no longer question it, I just feel lucky it's happened to me.
That's so great hearing, Gaz. Really love you for your work.

Man, some super rich guy should become MJ fan, join the forum and insist donating 100.000 dollars. Lol, would've been quite nice.
oh yes, don't even think of leaving. It is so wonderful to know that there are people out there who care and think of him. Many of us have very few around to speak to because so many don't understand. I know that he has influenced my life for ever....
I remember when I was 14 about 8 years ago, my family telling me that The "Obsession" with Michael was just a phase that I'd grow out of soon... But were they wrong...I'm 22 now and I AM STILL IN LOVE and LOVE Michael NOT only for his music, But also for the HUMAN BEING HE WAS! He was one in a Trillion! THere will NEVER Be another one like him...

The connection that MICHAEL and US have, It's just a bond that is NOT Broken, or will ever be broken. I am so glad that there are soo many people(Fans/Family) that Feel the same way that I do cuz if it wasnt for this MJJC, I DONT know what I would have happened in the past 10 Months...:(

We'll always stay strong and will never WAVER!!!


the first part is just like what happened to me, hahah same age and everything :lol: my interst on Michael seems to only grow.... i dont know what is it about him, and his work, i just cant stop thinking on him, i think he's now part of me, defenetly, he has changed me for GOOD

I have very little to say on this, that does not mean the little I say has any less of effect than anything else.

This being

As long as I am living and breathing so will MJJC

YOU ARE THE GREATEST GAZ, God bless you, what will all these be without you.... you are AMAZING, and you DESERVE TO KNOW IT
I have very little to say on this, that does not mean the little I say has any less of effect than anything else.

This being

As long as I am living and breathing so will MJJC

That put a smile on my face. Thank you.
I see us as being more than just a Michael Jackson community of fans. I see us as a type of family who have many things in common. If a family member dies, the rest of the family grieves and keeps the memories alive. They share their feelings, hurts and emotions and disappointments. I see it as a type of Love between kindred spirits. In my heart and mind, MJ will live on and on, and I will talk with others always, years and years, about him because he was/is special and also a gift to the world. I have never in my life been part of such a wonderful community of friends and fans from all over the world. MJ had/has a special way of uniting people from all walks of life. I am grateful for him and for all of you.
To me this is like a second home and I really mean it.

I second that!

But I must admit, it is always a sad reminder to know that the one man who brought us all together is no longer with us, sometimes I feel like "why continue coming here? He's not coming back" but...

even though my school has been weighing me down (intense studying!) and I have not been able to visit as much as I would like to, I still try to make time because MJJC is like a sigh of relief for me. This place is a soft spot for me to lay my head and smile. MJJC is especially helpful when I just want to get away from the outside world of stress, negative energy, awful people etc... this place is like one big hug!

This is why I come back.
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It would be so hard to find any other place like MJJC. I will always miss Michael. But this place is just as special to me as he was and still is.
MattyJam [quote =; 2761596] definitivamente. Eu não acredito que os fãs fãs de Madonna ou Beatles sentir o que sentimos. Eu sei que pessoas de fora podem pensar que é apenas fandom obsessivo, mas há algo diferente entre Michael e seus fãs. Foi em um nível mais profundo e ainda é. Eu ainda me sinto hoje - de facto, sinto-me mais agora do que eu fiz quando ele estava vivo. Ela só fica mais forte conforme o tempo passa. [/ QUOTE]

I agree with you .. really is different .. is a deep love that only those who feel can understand ... Man Mike is and always will be our heart
My love for Michael will never ever change. The man ment way too much to me to even consider letting it all go and moving on. My childhood was all about Michael and his music. With everything I have gone through my whole life Michael was the only one i felt really cared about me and wanted to make it all better. He did that for me and Im forever grateful to him for that. I turned to this place and of course music to help heal from loosing Michael and i dont know what i woul dhave done without eather one. Michael's loss has been a struggle for me to cope with but as each day goes by im getting better but i still think about him every single day. If any other fans feel the need to move on then thats fine if thats what they want to do but Me Iam never letting go of Michael. He wasnt just my favorite singer. He was my best friend and the only person in the world i felt i could count on. He never let me down and i refuse to ever let him down. Nothing and no one will ever make me feel otherwise.
I wonder if we'll still be here when we're like 80 :lol:

I often wonder what will happen. Then I often see Forest Lawn open to those who want to pay homage there for example. I worry and then I don't.

But I mostly worry that we will become somewhat of a rare breed, a niche. I do think he will NEVER be forgotten, will always be remembered but we are the ones that lived WITH him in this time. That will be different from those who will come after us.
:eek: OMG really? poor gaz :(

Isnt there another way for him 2 keep mjjc going?

I donated last night by pay pal again- so hopefully thats one less thing Gaz will have to sell of his precious collection!:better:

This site matters to me, so I put my money where my mouth is!:wub:
For those young members who cant donate- no worries us oldies like me will help to keep this site running!:wub:
There is no way we are going to let MJ slip into the past. MJ IS
and always will be.:clapping:

I donated last night by pay pal again- so hopefully thats one less thing Gaz will have to sell of his precious collection!:better:

This site matters to me, so I put my money where my mouth is!:wub:
For those young members who cant donate- no worries us oldies like me will help to keep this site running!:wub:
There is no way we are going to let MJ slip into the past. MJ IS
and always will be.:clapping:

I wish i was able 2 donate to this website, but im not able too :(
I miss coming on here. I used to live on these boards spending hours on end here post-june 25th. I really miss those days, even though those days were so hard. I wish i found these boards sooner. Even though i joined this board, in those dark times...i loved coming here. The love of MJ Fans is like no other. Also, finding new things out about Michael...or even hearing things you already knew, never gets old. I only stopped often coming here obecause i got a full time job so makes it hard to find time. It seems less lively though :(. I do lurk here from time to time and make a occasional post.

I miss Michael so much. I never knew someone which such great presense and personality. I still can't believe he's gone :(
I'll always be here :)

I too am scared that things will dwindle.. Well I guess they already have, there's no 'new' pictures or information or music at the moment but I think that we will still have special things to come :) I don't post much on here but I come on here to check things out almost daily, and boards such as this one need to stay here to teach the new generations about him.

Well, in one word, Michael is ADICTIVE to me :lol:

Michael is adictive, you right :)

I don't know what I'd do without this place. It's like home to me. I just love talking to other MJ because they understand everything.