The future of this board and MJ's online fan community.


This board has been a great solace to me post-June 25th. My family can't understand why I still go onto MJ boards anymore, my mum said "there's nothing you don't already know about him, you need to let go".

What my family don't seem to understand is, Michael has given me a whole lifetime of wonderful memories to cherish and I will never forget them. I want to talk about them with other fans who want to remember.

The reality is I could talk about Michael till I am blue in the face. Everything from the music, to the man, to his incredible life and his brilliant eccentricities inspire and fascinate me more than words can express.

I have noticed a lull on this board in recent months and I guess a part of me is scared that in time his online fan presence will dwindle and eventually cease to exist. I have no doubt that MJ's legacy will live on for generations to come, but I don't want this board to close and I don't want members to stop posting.

I was reading the thank-you's in the Number Ones abum booklet today and one line really stood out to me:


I really love that sentiment. It's reflective but at the same time, it also looks forward to the future. I have such strong ties to Michael, from my early childhood spent listening to his music right to the present day and I know I will always be on the journey.

Will you?
I feel so sad thinking about how much Michael looked to the future, he believed his future would be brighter than ever. I remember him saying ''There is still so much more to come from Michael Jackson, my passion for music has never stopped ...''
It's just heartbreaking to think about, I share your sentiments and I will forever be on this journey. The man has touched me in a very special way that goes beyond the fan/idol/entertainer 'relationship'.
well, people who dont feel what we feel dont understand.. I dont even try to explain my love and need for Michael to those who I know do not know what its like..
I will forever love Michael (the word fan doesnt begin to cover my feelings for him) and I will forever be on the journey, its a part of my life. :heart:
The man has touched me in a very special way that goes beyond the fan/idol/entertainer 'relationship'.

Definately. I don't believe Madonna fans or Beatles fans feel what we feel. I know outsiders may think it's just obsessive fandom, but there is something different between Michael and his fans. It was on a deeper level and it still is. I still feel it today - infact, I feel it more now than I did when he was alive. It only gets stronger as time goes by.
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I will never get tired of the man. Never. End of it.

When I'm 90 years old and at the oldhome, I'll be talking to my friends about Michael and learn them stuff about him. And even sing.
I will never get tired of the man. Never. End of it.

When I'm 90 years old and at the oldhome, I'll be talking to my friends about Michael and learn them stuff about him. And even sing.

LOL. When I'm in an old peoples home I plan on spending my entire life on MJ boards.

I'll see you guys there!
Yeah, I know the feeling that you're talking about... that one way or another, all can slip away from our hands in just one second. I'm very sure that I'm going to remain in this board till the end of time, 'cause the fans are such a huge part of Michael, that leaving this site would mean leaving something from Michael behind. That sentence from the Number Ones album booklet is precious, it summarises all in just one line. We are Michael, we have to stand up for him. So yes, I will always be on the journey too. :hug:
Definately. I don't believe Madonna fans or Beatles fans feel what we feel. I know outsiders may think it's just obsessive fandom, but there is something different between Michael and his fans. It was on a deeper level and it still is. I still feel it today - infact, I feel it more now than I did when he was alive. It only gets stronger as time goes by.

I agree so much with this!! :clapping:
We have to keep this board alive, for Michael's memory and for the fans who still want to remember.

I really feel strongly about this. Being able to talk about him on this board is one of the few things which has helped me deal with everything that has happened this last year. Remembering him, celebrating who he was and all the wonderful things he stood for is so important and this board is a brilliant way to keep it alive.
If we're not careful, this board could so easily die out and then when you're having a bad Michael day and you feel like you need to talk to someone else who understands, there won't be a place to do it.

I don't want that to ever happen.
We have to keep this board alive, for Michael's memory and for the fans who still want to remember.

I really feel strongly about this. Being able to talk about him on this board is one of the few things which has helped me deal with everything that has happened this last year. Remembering him, celebrating who he was and all the wonderful things he stood for is so important and this board is a brilliant way to keep it alive.
If we're not careful, this board could so easily die out and then when you're having a bad Michael day and you feel like you need to talk to someone else who understands, there won't be a place to do it.

I don't want that to ever happen.

Don't worry Matty, I am very confident that this board will always be here :)

Michael is the biggest artistical legend ever. He was one of the most magical people to ever live. He broke down so many barriers and has greatly influenced every artist today. Interest in his mythical personality/his music/his art...will never go away, ever.
MJ fans have always been such a close and tight knit family and will continue to be so. We had such a special relationship with Michael. I know its not a competition but Madonna fans don't have her sending down pizza and hot chocolate at 3am in the morning for example. Its not that we just love Michael but he loved us so much and like I said before we're a family. Yes traffic to the board has gone down since Michael passed but we will always be there for him no matter what. MJJC has been a solace to me since the summer and without it I don't know how I would have coped.
I'll never become uninterested in Michael. He means too much to me, and yes it is different from other fan/celebrity relationships. He just inspires so much. I look up to him. I want to keep his legacy alive and follow in his footsteps, if only a little bit. It's because of the impact he made on the world, how he touched and helped everyone in their lives, that makes him so different. He's like a modern day prophet. Everyone can learn from what he came here to teach people. I hope discussions of him continue, 10, 20, even 100 years from now. I believe he will never be forgotten, and even if I'm unable to discuss him with others, I will always think of him. My life is forever changed.
i believe MJ's fanbase has proven that you can't let go of that kind of magic, no matter what. they have inspired the biggest envy, from outsiders, in history. to the point, where we are looked at as bad people, in order to make the outsiders feel better about themselves.

but i have to tell you, that no matter what other fans may feel in the future..that doesn't affect me. MJ has made my life better. and i'm never letting go of that. i feel there are enough others that feel like me, though. everybody needs someone to look up to, no matter what they say. there are a lot of worse people that can be looked up to, than Michael Jackson. Michael's beautiful legacy is secure.
i believe MJ's fanbase has proven that you can't let go of that kind of magic, no matter what. they have inspired the biggest envy, from outsiders, in history. to the point, where we are looked at as bad people, in order to make the outsiders feel better about themselves.

but i have to tell you, that no matter what other fans may feel in the future..that doesn't affect me. MJ has made my life better. and i'm never letting go of that. i feel there are enough others that feel like me, though. everybody needs someone to look up to, no matter what they say. there are a lot of worse people that can be looked up to, than Michael Jackson. Michael's beautiful legacy is secure.

I love reading your posts.
My love for Michael does not fickle. I always find myself coming to this board, I am sure there will be many new things to talk about.

I really love that sentiment. It's reflective but at the same time, it also looks forward to the future. I have such strong ties to Michael, from my early childhood spent listening to his music right to the present day and I know I will always be on the journey.

Will you?

Yes. Like you, I've been on this journey since I was a kid and I don't ever want to let go. I agree that the traffic here has slowed down, and sometimes you can find yesterdays threads still on the first page, but if we never stop coming, this place will live on.

I love the quote you bolded from Number Ones. Lines or Quotes like that from Michael would make me happy for days! I miss those so much. I guess that's the scary part now...I don't know what the future holds without our Michael.
When I have kids I'll make sure they become MJ fans and probably direct them here if I still remember MJJC those many years later. :lol:

But I'm still pretty damn young myself in comparison to most here.
Yeh i have 2 admit when june 25th happened , i was scared that mjjc may shut down compelety after that. But im very happy thats its still alive & kicking! :D

If i had lost u guys i would go nuts and im being serious!. When michael died a part of me died and if this place ever ends all of me would be gone. I cant imagine my life without mjjc.
I will never let Michael part, keeping him always in my heart
I remember when I was 14 about 8 years ago, my family telling me that The "Obsession" with Michael was just a phase that I'd grow out of soon... But were they wrong...I'm 22 now and I AM STILL IN LOVE and LOVE Michael NOT only for his music, But also for the HUMAN BEING HE WAS! He was one in a Trillion! THere will NEVER Be another one like him...

The connection that MICHAEL and US have, It's just a bond that is NOT Broken, or will ever be broken. I am so glad that there are soo many people(Fans/Family) that Feel the same way that I do cuz if it wasnt for this MJJC, I DONT know what I would have happened in the past 10 Months...:(

We'll always stay strong and will never WAVER!!!

I wonder if we'll still be here when we're like 80 :lol:
I don't post here as much as I want to (because I haven't had internet at my house for months and can only come online at work) but I read this forum every single day, it makes me so happy knowing there are other fans that feel the same way about Michael as I do.

I love music and I'm a big fan of many other musicians and bands but it's nothing compared to what I feel for Michael. I'm not even a fan, I don't think that's a strong enough word. He touched my heart and soul and made me want to be a better person - how many artists can you say that about? I don't just love his music I love him as a person. I don't think anyone except other MJ fans understand how we feel.

I think that Michael is one of the true legends of our time, and legends are always appreciated and discussed, and I think..actually I KNOW he will gain even more fans as the younger generations discover his music and therefore the MJJcommunity will always be around, probably filled with our own children when we're all too old to type lol

Michael lives forever in our hearts.
I love to come here!
I love my friends, I love Mike...
So many wonderful loving thoughts for Michael and for each other in this thread. It touches my heart. I just want to say that my own experience is this: that I did not love Michael enough when he was alive. I didn't appreciate him enough. Somehow, in his passing, I became a better fan. And honestly, I love him more and more every day. Sometimes I have to ask myself how is that even possible?! And why is it happening? But honestly, I am glad it is. It's a gift, and I treasure it.

This may sound really bizarre, but I honestly feel like my renewed commitment to Michael has happened for a reason. I'm not sure what that reason is, but I'm not even going to question it. I love him, and I'm dedicated to him and I honestly can't see that ever changing. I listen to his music every single day and it truly does something to me that I can't even explain (though I doubt I need to). I have even taught my 6 year old grandson who Michael is--who the "King of Pop" is! When I finished my first painting of MJ a few weeks ago, I pulled Dylan into my studio and asked him to look at it...asked him who it is. He said, "Grandma...I do know, it's Michael Jackson!" Like it was silly for me to even ask him. LOL And he will have MJ's music as he grows and I will show him who Michael was and why he was so special.

My husband knows how I feel about Michael--he's not really what you'd call a "fan" himself, but he does like him and his music. Still, I can't really connect with him about Michael the way I can here in this community. It means so much to me to have this online family to come to--where we don't actually need to explain what we feel or why we feel it. We just know. So for that reason, I hope we can always come here to connect, to unite, to share memories and stories and photos, and anything else that will keep our Michael alive forever. :)
Aww. Your posts are making me want to cry. I'm so happy to be a part of this board now. My only regret is not being a part of it sooner. I registered for MJ forums years ago, but I just did not stick with them or anything. I'd lose internet for months at a time, and just forget about it. I've been a fan since forever.

I tell people I don't exactly remember when I became a fan, which is the honest truth. I just feel like I've always known--loving Michael came as naturally as learning how to walk or talk. One of the first albums I remember listening to, cognitively (meaning actually begging my mom or dad to put it on the record player), is Thriller! I do remember becoming obsessed though--that was in 1995, during the HIStory era. I would buy anything and everything with his face on it. :)

I came here after June 25th because I desperately needed other fans to talk to or just read other people are feeling. I got to read all of other member's stories of meeting Michael, being friends with him, and just getting introduced to the whole fan family side of this. It's been a great help in the healing process.
So many wonderful loving thoughts for Michael and for each other in this thread. It touches my heart. I just want to say that my own experience is this: that I did not love Michael enough when he was alive. I didn't appreciate him enough. Somehow, in his passing, I became a better fan. And honestly, I love him more and more every day. Sometimes I have to ask myself how is that even possible?! And why is it happening? But honestly, I am glad it is. It's a gift, and I treasure it.

I feel the same way. I've always loved Michael, without a doubt. But I didn't listen to his music every day, like I do now. When someone asked me who my favorite artist was, it was always him; biggest inspiration, him. I even wrote a paper about him a few years ago in one of my university courses about his pure awesomeness. (I got an A, btw. lol)

I still feel that nagging in my heart that I was a bad fan. I could've done more. I could've been on this forum. I could've been at the court house in 2005. I could've bought all 5 covers of Invincible in 2001 + some. So many things I wish I'd done that it's too late to do now.
Michael brought so many people together. I will never let my inner Michael die. Oh great I'm tearing up in McDonald's just typing this out :cry: Every person here I consider family. *sigh* :weeping:
I wouldnt worry too much, as long as Gaz wants to keep MJJC running, then it will always be here, and even if he didnt, it wouldnt be the first time a major MJ forum has closed. Thats one of the reason MJJC has soo many members, cos back in Jan 2008, MJNO closed and many of the members just moved here.

anyway back to my original point. MJ forums , even this one have gone though quiet periods. At one time, there was only about 50 people logging us didnt give up. We still came here, still posted what little news there was, kept talking about Michael etc. This is a thread from april 2008, At least 2000 members, yet only 20 to 50 at one time??

Whats happening now is that the forum is going back to how it was before June 25, the casual fans are dropping off, and the genuine fans are remaining. The membership grew hugely in the last 10 months, but not all of those who joined are in for the long run.

Mj forums have been around since the start of the internet, and they open and close all the time. All that happens is when one closes, the members move to another one, and continue the friendships and make new friends.

The MJ online community is huge, what you see on MJJC is just one tiny bit. There are long running MJ forums in many countries, some of which have been around over 10 years. There are fan communities on twitter, myspace, facebook, youtube as well as many many forums.

Dont worry though, I cant see Gaz closing MJJC just yet :)
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