the FBI file on MJ.....

We don't really know if this has anything to do with our dear king Michael Jackson.

He would be listed under Michael Joseph Jackson - right?

I was thinking the same....
if someone's interested in a person they normally search for the entire name:scratch:
:agree: For those of you wondering why the FBI would have a file on Michael, just a look at his passport alone would cause them to be supicious. The fact that he has met with and become friends with world leaders, kings, queens, princes, and was known and loved around the world while he kept his U.S. citizenship, they had every right to be concerned. Michael was once asked if he would like to be a sort of ambassador to the world and he stated that he already was! :yes:
It might be the wrong Michael Jackson but still would be interesting to read.
and unfortunately and i hate to bring up stupid allegations. but b/c there were allegations of child pornography, the fbi was at the ranch for a short pd of time but there was no evidence of child porn so they left.
The FBI is paranoid! but I guess they have to be in order to catch the real criminals.

I can only Imagine the file on John Lennon.
They were folowing him till his last days.

The FBI was also present at all raids at Neverland. They bugged his home in 1993, 2003 Jackson eventially no longer felt safe there.
They were folowing him till his last days.

The FBI was also present at all raids at Neverland. They bugged his home in 1993, 2003 Jackson eventially no longer felt safe there.
his home wasn't bugged. he had it swept many times

and it's common to have fbi involved in a child molestation case b/c usually if the person is guilty, there will be some child pornography on the property and that's a federal issue.

alas, w/ mj of course there was none so they left when nothing was found.
FBI was heavily involved in the XtraJet investigation in 2003 (where XtraJet illegally filmed Michael in the jet and tried to sell it), so at least a healthy portion of those files are relating to that criminal case.
I've actually read a book on the history of FBI files on writers and other celebrities and you would not believe how many people have FBI files with the most random information about them. As bad as TMZ, etc. today. Lots of it just rumors and even baseless commentary about the person and what the observer THINKS he or she believes or is up to, positions about the government and different issues. A lot of gossip combined with historical information. It's really pretty scary. It seems to me to be mostly "dirt" files on people, so I can only imagine what they might possibly have in a file on Michael if this is true. Anything could be in that file and it wouldn't surprise me in the least.

What book is that?

I cant wait to see what Michael Petrelis tells us about these files.
Each Michael Jackson has an individual file. When requesting a file you must provide a date of birth and a date of death in order to ensure that they only locate files relating to your specific inquiry.

This means that MJ does in fact have a 591 page FBI file.