the FBI file on MJ.....


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Random article that I found relating to an FBI letter that is a response to someone asking about obtaining the FBI file for MJ under the Freedom of Information act....the FBI has 591 pages in his file.

I have no opinion on what, if anything, this means..........or what is contained within the file. Just thought it was interesting. and, it seems easy enough to get.
Thats something we do know that FBI has "MJ files"....

Michael has been a part of their investigation... since the 80s, no surprise...

Michael Jackson is a very common name. It's hard to know how many of the 600 pages actually reference the famous one.

makes you say.... hummm...

actually - i am not surprised. i read somewhere recently an article... can't remember what.... but it was talking about MJ's popularity, this was pre the fall of berlin wall. i believe MJ was giving a concert in west germany??? the soviets weren't too please about it.
so - i wouldn't be surprise.. if the 591 pages contain that sort of political stuff.
.Michael Jackson is a very common name. It's hard to know how many of the 600 pages actually reference the famous one.

Indeed it is!! and you are right that some, most, all of this could be about other people.

and, it is not surprising that the FBI would have a file on MJ if some of these pages are related to him. They have files on all kinds of people, famous and not.

I am not saying I believe anything in particular is in these files, nor that it relates to his passing..........I posted the link because the FBI file itself seems fairly cheap and easy to acquire, and I though some might like to know that.
If some of those pages are about MJ, why would the FBI have files about him? The FBI? Seriously, what the f**k?!
Don't forget he was a close friend of Princess Diana for years, she could well have confided in him stuff that nobody would want made public.
If some of those pages are about MJ, why would the FBI have files about him? The FBI? Seriously, what the f**k?!

I'm guessing that some of these files would cotain information on the Lawsuits and the courtcases, even though he was proven NOT GUILTY:)
I'm guessing that some of these files would cotain information on the Lawsuits and the courtcases, even though he was proven NOT GUILTY:)
I don't think the FBI care about lawsuits. These are the main types of things they investigate apparently -

They probably investigated MJ when the child molestation charges came up.
This is probably not as big a deal as it appears to be. There are FBI files on lots of celebrities, especially those with leftish sympathies. I don't know what the political orientation of MJ was, but it could very well be that his songs about healing the world and his humanitarion work was enough to alarm the paranoid powers that be.
MJ met Reagan at the White House & he performed for Bill Clinton & perhaps met other presidents, so there were probably routine background checks just for those visits, plus she traveled overseas, met foreign dignitaries- that's probably most of it. But I would love to have a look.
Moonwalker is right. I too first heard of the FBI having files on our Michael wayyyyy back in the early 80's.

Can't imagine what info would be in them but like someone elese pointed out maybe they are right about the fact of MJ meeting dignitaries, Princess DI and USA Presidents.

Makes you wonder though...
I know they had files on John Lennon, but I don't know why they would spy on Michael. John did a lot of protesting against the government, and hung out with the Black Panthers & other revolutionaries, wrote a song about Angela Davis, etc. The US didn't want to give John a green card so was looking for any excuse to deny him citizenship. The FBI even spied on Elvis in the 50s, because of his popularity with the youth culture, so was believed to be communist. It was rumored that the government had him drafted on purpose, because they figured his fame would have died out by the time he got out.
We don't really know if this has anything to do with our dear king Michael Jackson.

He would be listed under Michael Joseph Jackson - right?
People, Michael was the most famous person on earth. He had power to influence the world. Period.
I've actually read a book on the history of FBI files on writers and other celebrities and you would not believe how many people have FBI files with the most random information about them. As bad as TMZ, etc. today. Lots of it just rumors and even baseless commentary about the person and what the observer THINKS he or she believes or is up to, positions about the government and different issues. A lot of gossip combined with historical information. It's really pretty scary. It seems to me to be mostly "dirt" files on people, so I can only imagine what they might possibly have in a file on Michael if this is true. Anything could be in that file and it wouldn't surprise me in the least.
I don't think the FBI care about lawsuits. These are the main types of things they investigate apparently -

They probably investigated MJ when the child molestation charges came up.

Guys, it could be about anything. We're talking about one of the most secretive people on earth. It is no surprise that the FBI has info on him. The first 10 pages are probably just his stats anyhow.

It most likely won't contain anything interesting, so I wouldn't get excited, nor would I get depressed.

Focus on good things. Turn up the music!
This one doesn't surprise me at all, if it's r/t Michael Joseph Jackson. Given Michael's travels around the world, his messages, his contact with world leaders, and his being at the White House to meet Presidents, I would be surprised if they didn't have a file on him. To put it into perspective only, I was hired as a contract nurse at the Naval Hospital San Diego right before the first Gulf War and was thoroughly investigated before receiving clearance, me, a nobody from Ohio with absolutely nothing of any interest in my history.
he was in white house and capital hills so ofcourse fbi do some research about him .we we saw him with pres. clinton and reygan so dont be suprise about this
MJ met Reagan at the White House & he performed for Bill Clinton & perhaps met other presidents, so there were probably routine background checks just for those visits, plus she traveled overseas, met foreign dignitaries- that's probably most of it. But I would love to have a look.

I think this too. Sounds like good security really.
And of course he does sing about being against the system, not unlike Lennon, with great influence.
Even Diane Diamond (ugh) said that it wasn't uncommon for him to have an FBI file since he did visit the white house many times. And because of all the court cases that he was involved in.