The 'family feeling' is back!!

Oh, Dutchie, thanks so much!!
If you ever made me feel not welcome, I never knew it hahahahaa!!

Yes, many "Temp fans" are leaving. Better to both sides: for us, who love to talk openly and passionately about Michael and for them, who get bored by us doing so :lol:

I am glad I am not a new fan and to count myself among those who even had the chance to see the Jackson 5 cartoons on TV!! (well... several years later than in USA, but that was just the way things were in the early 80's in my little country
)... so I really understand how difficult it can be to deal with temp fans who really manage to get you upset.

Thanks again, Dutchie!! (and enjoy your Opus!!)

Thanks to you too!!! :hug:
Yes, I've noticed the change too! There will always be arguements every now and then but it's definitely more calmer now than couple months ago :yes:
Let's keep it that way, with the L.O.V.E. :heart: :huggy:
I just love this board, Makes me feel more at home than any message boards for many singers that I have ever been. I just love it here! :yes:

And I love the music and photo sections of this board. :yes:
yeh its great that there seems to be not arguments anymore and lots of love going around instead. Makes me very proud to be a mj fan & mjjc member!
Aww this thread brings tears in my eyes.
It's very nice to read your post Suzanne.
I must say I felt like I was some kind of intruder comming here after june 25th.
Maybe that feeling will slowly go away now as the old members will be returning and being a real family.
Fantastic post Dutchie :D It's a unique experience being part of the MJJComunity, one that not many (if any at all) fandoms have.

Good to hear guys,

Can I safely have a holiday now, lol

Or will you guys miss me to much.

I, for one, will not miss you Gaz...with the love L.O.V.E.
Thanks Dutchie.
I actually do feel very humble here reading these posts, from members who have been here for a long time, many way back in 2003. To be honest that humbles me so much. I think it is so amazing that you people were here together supporting eachother during that unbelievably painful time in Michael's life.
Then when Michael passed you saw what might have seemed like an 'invasion' of people joining, on what some have termed coming in on the 'bandwagon'.
I joined in July as you can see, but I am so proud to be a part of this community and family. Younger members and older members, ( as in age), old timers and new comers ( as in time joined here) all together continue to learn more and love more.
Thanks for having me. I dont intend drifting off anywhere anytime soon!
Now that I've found you all here I'd like to stay.
I have much to learn still.............what better place to come and learn more about Michael?
Here's to the future of us family here, together to make Michael proud. :)
I had not been on here in a month, because I have been crazy busy, what with the holidays and all. And since making my return here last night, I too noticed a difference.

This is a great place with very nice people. I wish I had found this forum when Michael was still with us, but it's been so great to be here during a very difficult time, and nice to be able to talk with those who understand my pain over Michael's death, but also sharing the great times involving MJ.

Michael certainly has some of the greatest fans in the World, and this place proves it! :hug:

I think it's what others have said. Most of the randoms are gone to the next new thing. And also, people react in different ways and some were probably overcome by the news and said things they did not mean.

It is nice that things have calmed down. It's on us to keep the legacy alive.
It is nice to see things are calming down. Its great to walk into a thread where people are getting along. Peace and love
I was just realizing this the other day! I wasn't on the board before Michael died, so I don't know how it felt before then...but since my joining, this board has had some pretty hectic times. It's just now starting to feel more peaceful and like family though - rather than just a bunch of people talking. I feel more closely connected to everyone and I feel the love and support for each other all over the board. :group:
I love this board. I've been a member of practically every MJ board at one point or another but this board is the best. You can have an adult conversation with rational minded folk, which is more than I can say over at the KOP board....