The 'family feeling' is back!!


Hey you guys, I just wanted to say (as someone who was really 'done' with this place a while ago) that you, the fans, are doing a terrific job in bringing back the 'family feeling'! :yes:

I noticed that there's less arguments going on.....people are helping each other out (check the Opus thread! I love all the 'your Opus is in Paris', "ooooh our Opuses are traveling together :lol:" - posts!) and being more kind and respectful towards one another. :clapping:

I know that we have a long way to go and that there are some arguments, and some people on this forum who are not really fans and are just trying to get on our nerves....but we are really getting there! :)

So, let's keep this going. I'm working hard to live up to my new year's resolution (no more tears, bring back the smiles! :D) and the fact that we are slowly dealing with our pain and grief and the fact that we are slowly becoming a family again is really helping a lot!! :yes:

I just wanted to say that. *w000000t*

Aw, hugs to everyone. :hug: I'm so proud to be part of this amazing community. :heart:
Now its been over 6 months the initial shock has died down. We're all still hurting of course and that will never stop. The 'bandwaggon' fans have gone and moved on to other things now, so its lovely how there are less arguments on here. Of course there are going be arguments sometimes, we're a family and families argue. We, like you said Suzanne, we are a family and we love each other, even if we don't always agree all the time! Much love to everyone here and here's to the legacy of L.O.V.E xxxxxx Thanks for this awesome thread Suzanne, you rock girl!
I've noticed that too, the atmosphere is somehow warmer and more welcoming now than it was about a month ago. I don't know what's happened, but I can see some l.o.v.e spreading across this forum again :) Let's keep it going! :heart:
:wild: Hello The Great Gaz, :wub:

Ofcourse you will be horribily missed, but yeah you can have the GREATEST VACATION EVER !!


Don't take this personally, but HURRY BACK !!!


Hello Michael Fans and Team-Mie's :wub:,


I want you to understand fully that I mean everything I said. :better:

If you ALL where here in front of me I would hug you and cry with you and hug you so more...:wub::clapping:

Ever since Michael passed that is ALL my heart says it wants to do. Hold evey single Michael Fan in my arms. I would LOVE so much more, because of each of you...:clapping::yes:

There are Michael Fans still out there suffering, they haven't found Michael's House here yet. They will come..they are alone. They need to see Us STRONG!! And ready with open arms and huge shoulders !! :timer: :angel:

They need to see your LOVE for Michael, like the Light in Michael's Soul...

Michael KNEW you were ALL worth it and so do I...:wub::agree:


MJ TinkerBell :wub::agree:
Gaz, don't hijack my thread!!! :eviltongue:

Have a good holiday! :D:cheeky:
Yeah you're right! :) I've noticed there's definitely a lot less tension around here :yes:
I thank all of you for letting me be part of this family. I love everyone in the MJJC Family. Everyone's doing a great job, having in mind all the pain that we're trying to get along with. I hope we can still work on together to make the world a better place and keep Michael's legacy alive. That's what we're here for and I know we'll get there if we keep united. I send you all a very big hug, you're so loving and caring. Oh, Gaz, happy holidays! We'll miss you so come back as soon as possible!
Yeah, time went strange after Michael died... This Is It took ages to come, then came too quickly, the speculations, rumors, reports...

This was THE most difficult time for MJ fans. The fights weren't anyone's fault really, but I'm really glad we're all on the same page and here's to an amazing 2010! By the looks of it, between our Opuses and New Songs, we'll be kept busy working together :)

I'm so glad that the older members are slowly starting to come back home here. It's so nice to see. It would be a sad sad thing if the forum was comprised of only new or only old members. We need everyone to complete the family. :yes: I feel so blessed to be here, to have found you guys.
MJJC = My beloved MJ home. :wub:

I love you guys all so much.
:huggy: I'm so happy to be part of MJJC. It's my home and I love it here!!!! Love you all!!! :D
Hey you guys, I just wanted to say (as someone who was really 'done' with this place a while ago) that you, the fans, are doing a terrific job in bringing back the 'family feeling'! :yes:

I noticed that there's less arguments going on.....people are helping each other out (check the Opus thread! I love all the 'your Opus is in Paris', "ooooh our Opuses are traveling together :lol:" - posts!) and being more kind and respectful towards one another. :clapping:

I know that we have a long way to go and that there are some arguments, and some people on this forum who are not really fans and are just trying to get on our nerves....but we are really getting there! :)

So, let's keep this going. I'm working hard to live up to my new year's resolution (no more tears, bring back the smiles! :D) and the fact that we are slowly dealing with our pain and grief and the fact that we are slowly becoming a family again is really helping a lot!! :yes:

I just wanted to say that. *w000000t*


May I say... that I feel like crying now? :cry:

I am but a newly arrived to this forum and, in fact, I came here running away from another forum full of fighting and anger. Now reading this... you know... I feel really... weird. Many times I feel like I don't fit anywhere and that hurts like crazy. When I first saw your post I thought "Great... they are getting back together, that is good. I wish I could be a part of that :("

But then I read your lines about the Opus traveling together and... that is mine too! LOL :lol: So then I felt it. This is such a big and strong community and I might be a newly arrived, but I am a Proud Newly Arrived to MJJC. There is simply so much I have learned from you in these months, so much I have received and I have even had the chance to share of me with this big family. Especially feelings, my pain, my dissapointment and even my crazy ideas :D

Random talking... I just want to say that you must be proud and happy of your community. This is really big, special, funny and informative. I don't need to be saying "No, MJ never did that, it was told by the media and..." I am happy you have hard-working moderators and so many different fields to share our love for Michael Jackson. And I am pleased you do care about never breaking the law (you know... donwloads, etc. ;)).

I am just sad I didn't enter the forum before... but... I am glad Michael's love brought me here :)

You all rock!!!!
I can't say I really know that 'family feeling' because I guess I joined here in the midst of it all. But, I can tell that things have mellowed out recently, there's alot less arguing. Maybe with it being Christmas and New Year, everybody's getting into the spirit of things and trying to put all the bad behind them and focusing on the future. The future of Michael's L.O.V.E, his legacy and his spirit.
L.O.V.E to all of you!
I'm one of those weird fans, who are very active here when things were going tuff for Michael... and who wasn’t as active when it was pretty quite around him. I feel ashamed of that, I wish I was active here throughout the whole time. If I knew his life would be that short I would have been more part of it than I was, something I will regret forever.
Now, when times are harder than ever, when there really isn't that much more to come (or is there?), that's when I need this place more than ever. I need to know there are more like me out there that will stay around and work for Michael for as long as we can. I was scared that we would all go away and that this place would die after a while.. But I see now that there are so many great people here, who want what I want, who want to make this work.
This place is so great, and I'm glad to see that you guys, who have been more active over the years, see that it's getting even better here.
Let's stay together and work hard for Michael forever!
Much Love to all of you!
In a way I took Michael being alive for granted. I have always loved Michael and Michael has always been a part of my life, he was always there. He was there when I was born and was always there when I grew up. To me Michael was invincible and when he died it really knocked me for six as he wasn't here anymore and I felt lost. Going on without Michael in my life was incomprehensible as he had always been there, which is why I struggled to accept it. As I said in my previous post this place was a god send. Michael in my life was an everyday thing and when he was taken away from us it felt like the floor had been ripped from underneath me.
In a way I took Michael being alive for granted. I have always loved Michael and Michael has always been a part of my life, he was always there. He was there when I was born and was always there when I grew up. To me Michael was invincible and when he died it really knocked me for six as he wasn't here anymore and I felt lost. Going on without Michael in my life was incomprehensible as he had always been there, which is why I struggled to accept it. As I said in my previous post this place was a god send. Michael in my life was an everyday thing and when he was taken away from us it felt like the floor had been ripped from underneath me.

Exactly the same with me :cry:
Life without Michael around is like... completely unexpected.
aww this thread is nice and yes i feel it too alot of the fighting/arguing has gone - think it was hard to gage our feeling after Mj passed then we had so much coming at us like the memorial/burial then This is it and also alot of (dare i say it) "temp fans" who most seem to have faded away leaving great people who most inbrace michaels teaching and care & help each other and I feel MJJC will only go from strength to strength and we will become a tight unit :better:
Yes totally agree there seems many more kind words around here lately and that is so lovely! Im so happy that i have been alowed to be a part of this beautiful family and hope, new and old members can keep making this family even stronger together! :)
Love to you all! X
May I say... that I feel like crying now? :cry:

I am but a newly arrived to this forum and, in fact, I came here running away from another forum full of fighting and anger. Now reading this... you know... I feel really... weird. Many times I feel like I don't fit anywhere and that hurts like crazy. When I first saw your post I thought "Great... they are getting back together, that is good. I wish I could be a part of that :("

But then I read your lines about the Opus traveling together and... that is mine too! LOL :lol: So then I felt it. This is such a big and strong community and I might be a newly arrived, but I am a Proud Newly Arrived to MJJC. There is simply so much I have learned from you in these months, so much I have received and I have even had the chance to share of me with this big family. Especially feelings, my pain, my dissapointment and even my crazy ideas :D

Random talking... I just want to say that you must be proud and happy of your community. This is really big, special, funny and informative. I don't need to be saying "No, MJ never did that, it was told by the media and..." I am happy you have hard-working moderators and so many different fields to share our love for Michael Jackson. And I am pleased you do care about never breaking the law (you know... donwloads, etc. ;)).

I am just sad I didn't enter the forum before... but... I am glad Michael's love brought me here :)

You all rock!!!!

What a great post! :yes:
I am happy that you are beginning to feel at home here. I apologize if any of my posts in the past months ever made anyone feel not welcome. This was not my intention, and I even dare to say that it was partly my emotions, my anger, and my despair about Michael's death talking. It was mostly aimed at the bandwagon fans, anyway. :lol:

I love how these bandwagon fans have now started to disappear, and the 'new' fans that are left are people who are truly interested in Michael, his fans, his world. So welcome to MJJC and welcome to the family! :hug:
Big L.O.V.E to my MJJC family! I agree that there were arguments and tensions on the board after Michael's passing. It wasn't just troublemakers who were responsible I don't think - there were also fans who were hit hard and striking out was sometimes their way of grieving. It's lovely to see that this has stopped now, and that MJJC is a brilliant safe haven for fans again :)

From the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone who makes this place so special! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
What a great post! :yes:
I am happy that you are beginning to feel at home here. I apologize if any of my posts in the past months ever made anyone feel not welcome. This was not my intention, and I even dare to say that it was partly my emotions, my anger, and my despair about Michael's death talking. It was mostly aimed at the bandwagon fans, anyway. :lol:

I love how these bandwagon fans have now started to disappear, and the 'new' fans that are left are people who are truly interested in Michael, his fans, his world. So welcome to MJJC and welcome to the family! :hug:

Oh, Dutchie, thanks so much!!
If you ever made me feel not welcome, I never knew it hahahahaa!!

Yes, many "Temp fans" are leaving. Better to both sides: for us, who love to talk openly and passionately about Michael and for them, who get bored by us doing so :lol:

I am glad I am not a new fan and to count myself among those who even had the chance to see the Jackson 5 cartoons on TV!! (well... several years later than in USA, but that was just the way things were in the early 80's in my little country
)... so I really understand how difficult it can be to deal with temp fans who really manage to get you upset.

Thanks again, Dutchie!! (and enjoy your Opus!!)
