The Epic Thread of Random-ness [MERGED]

Re: Random Thoughts

^ You spoke to soon, everyone left :lol: No one sticks around for long :no:
Re: Random Thoughts

Merry Christmas to Fujon
Thank you, phantom :)
Merry Christmas to you :D

HUG L.J. and everyone
Re: Random Thoughts

^ Merry Christmas usagi and all the regulars in this section.. Silouette, FUJON, Phantom, Thriller MJ, L J, cryingangel, Moovingcoolcat and My dearest friend Poe :) and anyone else I forgot to mention... Wishing you all Love, peace and Joy :)

P.S Santa is coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :woohoo:
Re: Random Thoughts

Where is it?

Oh LJ Do you know where my thread on the African kid with blue eyes went? :D
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Re: Random Thoughts

I will never again wish anything to do with Elvis on Christmas, especially from dad. :rolleyes:
Re: Random Thoughts

I loved Christmas this year i got a Freddie Mercury Doll :D over £300, Aftershave and selection boxes ^_^ so i'm gonna hit the sales and buy a X-Box 360 B)