The Epic Thread of Random-ness [MERGED]

Re: Random Thoughts

*crushes Sil in a hug*

I was painting outisde and forgot i was online too :lol:
one more layer to go :wild:

^oh you lucky duck, Sil! :lol:^_^:p
so are there any new pics? :shifty::wild:

i think i'll try walgreen's drugstore tomorrow :yes:
*returns crushing hug to* L.J and one for Gia as well.:p

Nice job L.J. You gonna show us the finished product, right?

Gia, Yeah, Walgreens may have is and maybe CVS too. Good luck.
I still gotta pick the mag up from my sisters house so I havent
actually laid my eyes on it yet. I'm sure there's some new pics in there!
Re: Random Thoughts

Wish you the best to explore this incredible beautiful country :)

^_^ thanks, he thinks hes getting away with this he has another thing comming :rolleyes: too long has he been getting away with **** now people will relise what an ass he auctaly is
Re: Random Thoughts

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Re: Random Thoughts

Woooo my teacher gave my class the day of College i'm now on my X-Mas Holidays expect lots of posts from me lol
Re: Random Thoughts

why she is so sweet now :ermm: saying ''sorry''?
magic happened?

i'm shocked. almost.
Re: Random Thoughts

............ :ermm:
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Re: Random Thoughts

Freddie Mercurys live voice is amazing its so much better than his studio voice such a rareity to get s singer who sounds better live
Re: Random Thoughts

So in fact, you were just too lazy to read the blogs yourself :mello:

Imouto-chan... it would have only taken one "click" .... :lol: :p

Chibi :p

gomen nasaaaaii!!


*double slap*

*triple slap*

bad chibi! :lol::p

Schooool's out for the summerrrr
Schoooool's out forreeveerrr

School can go to pieeeceeess




Reserved my apartment in Tokyo :D

^cool~~~! i'm happy for YOU! B)
Re: Random Thoughts

Happy Holidays everybody!

*returns crushing hug to* L.J and one for Gia as well.:p
Gia, Yeah, Walgreens may have is and maybe CVS too. Good luck.
I still gotta pick the mag up from my sisters house so I havent
actually laid my eyes on it yet. I'm sure there's some new pics in there!

^*hugs back* SilSil^_^
finally got the mag!! woohoo!! :sarmoti
Re: Random Thoughts

Anyone else have a thing for Mariska Hargitay from Law and Order: SVU, here?

Damnit she's beyond gorgeous... it scares me.
Re: Random Thoughts

Anyone else have a thing for Mariska Hargitay from Law and Order: SVU, here?

Damnit she's beyond gorgeous... it scares me.

I want a girlfriend like her...
I have this desire to know what she smells like. I don't want to touch her... just know what she smells like, lol.
Re: Random Thoughts

OMG may 30th 2008 is gonna rock, sorry if i'm annoying everyone by talking about this but its so exicting