The Epic Thread of Random-ness [MERGED]

Re: Random Thoughts

Early? :unsure: it's December when does your winter usually start then? ours can start as early as October :rolleyes:
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Re: Random Thoughts

Ok that's it I am moving to the US :lol: you have better summers and less winter than us :( Mind you we havent got snow so? lol well not London anyway
Re: Random Thoughts

I just want to come there for Disneyland really :lol: just made out it was for weather issues LOL
Re: Random Thoughts

SOME fans are so insulting to other fans for listening to other artists besdied MJ they have no life if they just sit there and listen to MJ constsntly lol but each to there own i suppose
Re: Random Thoughts

^ No :lol:

I actually forget to give them out when they are deserved, but that was cute so you got one LOL
Re: Random Thoughts


If you see him tell him I have been very very good ^_^ :lol:
Re: Random Thoughts

(looks on the list to see if shes been good...hmm lets see... well a few times you werent but...) (er I mean...) Oh ok will do :lol:

Pardon? -_- :lol:

I've been an angel all year.... Santa baby will hurry down my chimney :lol: with my laptop I am telling you!
Re: Random Thoughts

:lol: so true.. my house doesnt even have a chimney so it would be a miracle LOL