The Epic Thread of Random-ness [MERGED]

Would you like to see MJ playing piano, singing some romantic songs.. with rain outside..[/b]

it sound so great :kickass:

HUG Phantom but you know better than to let
ignorance get through to you right? Just Pray? :)[/b]

yeah :) I think so :)
Tell me about it theirs nothing decent on anymore exepct from a few programs[/b]
Even CbbC sucks nowadays too, they hardly ever show any cartoons
just the usual, saving the universe inspiring the lives of many u know everyday stuff like that :yes:

what about you? is it just me or havent I seen u around for ages or somin :-s
^ Hi rik, god this is the best song ever i mean ever its so good its praticly orgasimic lol
:innocent: which song? :unsure: ...... i wanna hear it tooooooooooo

Hey zoi.... how r u? :flowers:[/b]

The song is November Rain by Guns 'n' Roses i think its the best song i've ever herd