The Epic Thread of Random-ness [MERGED]

yea bela...
Rajabhai tower might look cool in pics.. but its not worth visiting anymore, the clock on tower is also dead :(

Hathi-ride.... :p yea... dont forget to carry money too :D
yea bela...
Rajabhai tower might look cool in pics.. but its not worth visiting anymore, the clock on tower is also dead :(

Hathi-ride.... :p yea... dont forget to carry money too :D
^ you are welcome zoi :flowers:

and who ever wants to visit bombay... pls contact Bela...she will guide with all the living and travelling expenses :p

*guys u need to carry your own money* :perrin:

^ you are welcome zoi :flowers:

and who ever wants to visit bombay... pls contact Bela...she will guide with all the living and travelling expenses :p

*guys u need to carry your own money* :perrin:

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1 Members: roxanne
1 User(s) are reading this topic (0 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)
1 Members: roxanne
^hiya rox! ^_^ :heart:

yea bela...
Rajabhai tower might look cool in pics.. but its not worth visiting anymore, the clock on tower is also dead :([/b]

^aww..that's too bad! :(

^ and who ever wants to visit bombay... pls contact Bela...she will guide with all the living and travelling expenses :p[/b]


Indian Sweets!

^hiya rox! ^_^ :heart:

yea bela...
Rajabhai tower might look cool in pics.. but its not worth visiting anymore, the clock on tower is also dead :([/b]

^aww..that's too bad! :(

^ and who ever wants to visit bombay... pls contact Bela...she will guide with all the living and travelling expenses :p[/b]


Indian Sweets!
