The Epic Thread of Random-ness [MERGED]

"What ya gonna do?
I'm gonna get you..
Nowhere 2 run, nowhere 2 hide,
All the things you said, Everything you've done 2 me
You can no longer make me cry

I can no longer smile baby *hiccup*
And I've waited so long just 2 carry on...

I'm a new GANGSTA!!"
The Sr. Staff have unanimously decided to carry on with a new community that will replace the closing MJJForum Fan Community.

The new forum will be ... the domain has been reserved, registered, purchased and they even called, to sell me more features for the new domain. will be
Hello everyone.

Just letting you all know that I won't be posting much, if at all from today onwards. It seems I get myself in trouble too often and it is no longer worth the hassle. I will (if I can) check the news every now and again (I am still very much a huge Michael Jackson fan) but for my own good I'm just going to keep my hands off the keyboard and only speak to those who I have become close to and are in my real life as well as messengers.

It has been fun getting to know you all, anything I said to upset you I'm sorry and hope there is no future hard feelings. At no point during my time here did I wish to cause any damage to anyone or anything.

Dang Em, it's like that?! :huh:
Like MJJF the decision is ultimately yours and I respect that.
However, I will miss you.....again.

RT: What was I gonna say before?
Yeah, cos I thought I had a mother complex.

Coz I was going for Cher, and Chickz of the senior age-range.

Now I've realised that a younger Mariska is very very cute.
I don't mind being with a baby,
so long as she's not a bitch.


I'm ok thankyou :)

a little tired from teaching all day :lol: all the kids wanted to play basketball

and I'm trying to sit here and relax before I go to my night job and a lot is going on which is making me not relax :lol:

Hope you've been well
:lol: this early in the morning for you? :brow:

I need to let go of some people I try so hard to understand and they just keep biting me
I am no longer a Board Certified Physician - I've lost all my patients