The Epic Thread of Random-ness [MERGED]

Michael is great businessmen and he know how to deal with things.
I Bet, Michael perfectly know What he is doin' and that's why he keep some people in his team right now.
If you don't like it - it's Not his fault.
I love you all but I have crazy cought today, sorry.. Even can't type it right[/b]

We love you too, FUJON :wub:

if mike has fans like her what does he needs the haters for ? F ! % K I N G retards starting stoopid bs threads :perrin[/b]

who? :blink:
*edited by mod- check pm[/b]
is there any need for that? if some people are not happy with the way Michaels team handles things I dont blame them you only need to look at their track record for the past few years.
also do keep in mind that even though Mike is a great buisnessman that still do him any good when people (from his team) were working to bankcrupt him, if the fans have a problem with the current team it is no surprise.
but michael doesnt always know what hes doing. thats why so many ppl in the past pretended to be his friends and then backstabbed him. coz he trusts ppl too easy and hes too naive
Michael is a clever person, but he has a pure child's heart. However, if some people behaved bad in the past, it doesn't mean this will happen again. Michael is more mature now, and has already had experiences like that, so he'll now be more careful.
Michael Is Not Naive! *edited by mod*[/b]
actually he can be, otherwise why are the people who have done alot of damage to him be the same ones who were in his team *edited by mod*
Michael Is Not Naive! *edited by mod*[/b]
oh yes i do. michaels a pure genius on one hand but on the other hes too naive too childlike to see the reality and all the criminals who are waiting for him out there to rip him apart. hes trusted ppl in the past he thought those ppl were his friends and those ppl turned out to be his enemies and to be conspiring to destroy him. ppl have manipulated him in the past and have used him for their own interests.
I feel I waste my time here. Really :(

In GD people prefer now to diss Bain or MJ.

Or to moaning about new MJ's album.

I'm tired from this mess
I feel I waste my time here. Really :(

In GD people prefer now to diss Bain or MJ.

Or to moaning about new MJ's album.


I'm tired from this mess[/b]
a criticism is different from a diss, this is a forum I think if people want to moan about MJ's upcoming album (although they have no reason to cos its not out yet) then they have a right too. *edited by mod*
do you really think SO??? :eek:

i'm very disapponited to see it in fans...[/b]
I dont think he is that naive but alot of his naivity has gotten him into trouble, it doesnt matter who you are your gonna make mistakes... I think your the one who is naive because your going acting as if MJ and his team are infallable and if they are then you should say why (by now atleast) because everyone else seems to be able to back up their opinions besides you
I hope Michael will never will see this sh*t from his fans here
I hope Michael will never will see this sh*t from his fans here[/b]
yes I hope MJ's team just kiss his ass and tell him that whatever step he is taking (even if it is wrong) is the best way to go, because we all know that criticism has never done anyone any good... (being sarcastic here)

people need to learn from their mistakes... I dont know what world you are living in but if we didnt look and evaluate anything objectively we would just be sheeps willing to walk in any directing we are directed to go to ...
You have No idea what I know[/b]
if you know it say it your no insider so stop acting as if you know something no one else is aware off because you havent showed any indication of it.
Stop accusing Michael and trying to be in his life. He is the Master of his personal and professional life and we have no right to blame or criticize him! Before judging him try to judge yourselves. We have chosen to be his fans love and support him. He didn't oblige us to be and stop all the bad language towards each other we do no good neither to Michael nor to the fan community. We have to wish for his well-being and not accuse him. I like to believe that some people here are not haters!
Stop accusing Michael and trying to be in his life. He is the Master of his personal and professional life and we have no right to blame or criticize him! Before judging him try to judge yourselves. We have chosen to be his fans love and support him. He didn't oblige us to be and stop all the bad language towards each other we do no good neither to Michael nor to the fan community. We have to wish for his well-being and not accuse him. I like to believe that some people here are not haters![/b]
no ones accusing michael here. some ppl dont like the way his team handle things and thats all there is to it :flowers:
Stop accusing Michael and trying to be in his life. He is the Master of his personal and professional life and we have no right to blame or criticize him! Before judging him try to judge yourselves. We have chosen to be his fans love and support him. He didn't oblige us to be and stop all the bad language towards each other we do no good neither to Michael nor to the fan community. We have to wish for his well-being and not accuse him. I like to believe that some people here are not haters![/b]
No one wasnt accusing MJ of anything, No one was trying to be in his life all people were doing were criticising his team and yes as fans we do love and support him yet I like to believe that we can still have an opinion (which many people come to this forum so they can express it) and just because you criticise some people does not make you a hater either.