The Discussion of MJ's Unreleased Tracks

Is there any information about this song? 🤔
I've never seen anything about it! (except for an snippet on YT, but I think it's fake)
It was one of the first songs made for "Invincible" at Brad Buxer's home studio shortly after the HIStory World Tour came to an end in the last months of 1997. Most likely it was just experimenting with ideas as it was literally the very beginning of the "Invincible" sessions.
It was one of the first songs made for "Invincible" at Brad Buxer's home studio shortly after the HIStory World Tour came to an end in the last months of 1997. Most likely it was just experimenting with ideas as it was literally the very beginning of the "Invincible" sessions.
I asked because I liked the name!
I would like to have the opportunity to listen to it one day (even if it's an unfinished instrumental)
I'm not sure whether to consider that song a Bad outtake or an Invincible outtake, I think that it was indeed made for Bad but was brought back for Invincible.
John Robinson has been inconsistent about it, so for the time being I think it should be counted as both.
Was it ever pinned to a specific era? It could've also been made in the 2000's.
Officially no, but it was a collaboration with Eric Kirkland, who co-wrote “Shut Up and Dance.” To my knowledge, MJ’s work with Kirkland began and ended during the Invincible sessions. It’s an educated guess!
I've never heard about this one, is there anything known about it?
MJ worked on it with Samuel Hoskins, who co-wrote “Shout.” Hoskins name dropped it in an interview with Hugo Heinen some years ago. No clue of its status.
Aren't these two post-Invincible though (2003)?
“One More Chance” seems to have been recorded/re-recorded in July 2003, but all sources say that R. Kelly initially submitted it during the Invincible sessions. “We’ve Had Enough” has always been an Invincible outtake; not sure where the 2003 year comes from.
“One More Chance” seems to have been recorded/re-recorded in July 2003, but all sources say that R. Kelly initially submitted it during the Invincible sessions.
Makes sense. It might have been submitted along with Cry.

“We’ve Had Enough” has always been an Invincible outtake; not sure where the 2003 year comes from.
I had no idea about this. Thanks for clarifying, Mr. "I hate concerts so much all tapes should be burned down to ashes".
MJ worked on it with Samuel Hoskins, who co-wrote “Shout.” Hoskins name dropped it in an interview with Hugo Heinen some years ago. No clue of its status.
Never heard about that track before, but it sounds interesting. I wonder why literally no one within the community mentions it given the fact that fake/unconfirmed titles with little to no information are on every list of unreleased songs online lol.
Is anyone else curious as to how those very first songs made for Invincible sound like? What direction MJ thought of heading? I've seen someone claim that the song That sounded like the opening theme from PBS Frontline. I've found a song made by Brad Buxer on Spotify that sounds like it so I believe that claim.

Has anyone seen this before? It’s new to me.
Awesome find!

I always figured it was a separate song. MJ wrote the 1989 song for Sammy and Sammy alone, and I thought it would be weird for him to suddenly resurrect it 20 years later for no reason. The lyrics are heartbreaking. Seems like another ode to his fans. I hope there’s something recorded for this one!
Awesome find!

I always figured it was a separate song. MJ wrote the 1989 song for Sammy and Sammy alone, and I thought it would be weird for him to suddenly resurrect it 20 years later for no reason. The lyrics are heartbreaking. Seems like another ode to his fans. I hope there’s something recorded for this one!

I've been suspecting for a while they once you get into the Jeffree Phillips business you'll uncover a lot of uncopyrighted stuff. And I guess the Estates next three prong plan of business reflects that.

Has anyone seen this before? It’s new to me.
That's amazing! I'm glad it's a new song because I've aways thought it's a rework or has something to do with the 1989 track for Sammy Davis Jr. The lyrics kinda remind me of "Best of Joy" but from the perspective of the person who MJ sings about, especially the line "It was you who carried me from the desert to the sea". Who knows, maybe it was indeed written with "Best of Joy" in mind!
Thank you so much @dam2040 for sharing. How exciting to know that there were indeed two separate songs with the same title.

Has anyone seen this before? It’s new to me.
Here’s what I can decipher:

If I should die right here, this very day
To Heaven above, I pray
God, hear me say I am
Here cause you
To God, I’d loudly say
I am here
I’m up here cause you were there

And you were there when they all walked out on me
It was you who carried me from the desert to the sea
You were there when I was down
You were there when lost at sea
Sunshine cleared the rain
When the chips fell down on me
Just found a link to the court filings. There’s some very interesting items included, including an astonishing number of CDs. Highlights:
  • “Throwin’ Your Life Away” (p. 7)
  • “Earth Love,” dated April 22, 2009 and written in another person’s handwriting (p. 8)
  • “Dancing for Love - RedOne” (p. 12)
  • “Ready 2 Win,” written in another person’s handwriting (p. 15)
  • “Love Heals - MJ Neff-U New Funk” (p. 16)
  • “Ron great industrial age song” (p. 18)
  • “Breath” (p. 25)
  • “All Right,” written in another person’s handwriting (p. 29)
  • “Dance MJ McKellar” (p. 32)
  • “Heaven With a Smile,” dated April 17, 2009 and written in another person’s handwriting (p. 40)
  • “Song #4 - 1.2.6 Bible,” dated May 16, 2007 and written in the same handwriting as the miscellaneous CDs sold by Frank Cascio (p. 48)
  • “Ghost of Another Lover,” dated April 29, 2009, written in another person’s handwriting, and containing two mixes (“Mix 7 with Intro” and “Mix 4 No Intro”) (p. 52)
There’s also a slightly blurry picture of 35 additional CDs (p. 72), among which you can see the titles “Hollywood Tonight,” “Throwin’ Your Life Away,” “Miami Vice” (could be in relation to the TV series), and “Broken Chair.” Additionally, there are an extra set of lyrics for “You Were There” (p. 78):

You were there for the good times and the bad
When I’ve lost all that I had
You were there to have, to hold
When the world all came together
Trying to take away my soul
When the walls came down on me
You were there when the walls came tumbling down
Just found a link to the court filings. There’s some very interesting items included, including an astonishing number of CDs. Highlights:
  • “Throwin’ Your Life Away” (p. 7)
  • “Earth Love,” dated April 22, 2009 and written in another person’s handwriting (p. 8)
  • “Dancing for Love - RedOne” (p. 12)
  • “Ready 2 Win,” written in another person’s handwriting (p. 15)
  • “Love Heals - MJ Neff-U New Funk” (p. 16)
  • “Ron great industrial age song” (p. 18)
  • “Breath” (p. 25)
  • “All Right,” written in another person’s handwriting (p. 29)
  • “Dance MJ McKellar” (p. 32)
  • “Heaven With a Smile,” dated April 17, 2009 and written in another person’s handwriting (p. 40)
  • “Song #4 - 1.2.6 Bible,” dated May 16, 2007 and written in the same handwriting as the miscellaneous CDs sold by Frank Cascio (p. 48)
  • “Ghost of Another Lover,” dated April 29, 2009, written in another person’s handwriting, and containing two mixes (“Mix 7 with Intro” and “Mix 4 No Intro”) (p. 52)
There’s also a slightly blurry picture of 35 additional CDs (p. 72), among which you can see the titles “Hollywood Tonight,” “Throwin’ Your Life Away,” “Miami Vice” (could be in relation to the TV series), and “Broken Chair.” Additionally, there are an extra set of lyrics for “You Were There” (p. 78):

You were there for the good times and the bad
When I’ve lost all that I had
You were there to have, to hold
When the world all came together
Trying to take away my soul
When the walls came down on me
You were there when the walls came tumbling down
A Few Thoughts.
Seems that indeed the Cascio's presented some of the Fake "Cascio Tracks" to Michael.
Dancing For Love might be the title of the unknown song with RedOne(?)
Seems that You were There was in the writing process so maybe there's a mumbled demo.
I Need McKellar to be released.
Just found a link to the court filings. There’s some very interesting items included, including an astonishing number of CDs. Highlights:
  • “Throwin’ Your Life Away” (p. 7)
  • “Earth Love,” dated April 22, 2009 and written in another person’s handwriting (p. 8)
  • “Dancing for Love - RedOne” (p. 12)
  • “Ready 2 Win,” written in another person’s handwriting (p. 15)
  • “Love Heals - MJ Neff-U New Funk” (p. 16)
  • “Ron great industrial age song” (p. 18)
  • “Breath” (p. 25)
  • “All Right,” written in another person’s handwriting (p. 29)
  • “Dance MJ McKellar” (p. 32)
  • “Heaven With a Smile,” dated April 17, 2009 and written in another person’s handwriting (p. 40)
  • “Song #4 - 1.2.6 Bible,” dated May 16, 2007 and written in the same handwriting as the miscellaneous CDs sold by Frank Cascio (p. 48)
  • “Ghost of Another Lover,” dated April 29, 2009, written in another person’s handwriting, and containing two mixes (“Mix 7 with Intro” and “Mix 4 No Intro”) (p. 52)
There’s also a slightly blurry picture of 35 additional CDs (p. 72), among which you can see the titles “Hollywood Tonight,” “Throwin’ Your Life Away,” “Miami Vice” (could be in relation to the TV series), and “Broken Chair.” Additionally, there are an extra set of lyrics for “You Were There” (p. 78):

You were there for the good times and the bad
When I’ve lost all that I had
You were there to have, to hold
When the world all came together
Trying to take away my soul
When the walls came down on me
You were there when the walls came tumbling down
Yep. This is about to be a new motherload of undiscovered unheard material.
And lol. If MJ actually knew about the Casio tracks. Maybe even signed off on them? Then they basically put writer's demoes on the CD. Which is still crazy, but almost not (Smooth) Criminal.